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What is the point of surveys?


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I got excited about a ll 49 survey when they had an option for housing to improve the gaming experience.. Then I realized, what is the point? The game has been out for long time now in other nations and they are not going to code in player housing if enough people ask for it here in NA! Are these surveys just to act like they care about our thoughts in the game?

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Well some special people probably said in the early surveys that they couldn't identify the NPCs by name easily (there was a question of this sort) and now we have horrible rainbow text for random words in the quests. Hurts my eyes to heck.


So to answer your question. Probably to mess things up even further since things go "so well".

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I think they do read them. Supposedly they increased the Viridian Coast difficulty (I did not see any difference tbh) after they saw so many people saying it was too easy in the surveys. A lot of people asked for a way to change server, and it's now in developpment. So... changing old stuff is most likely not going to happen, but adding other stuff may happen. At least that's what I believe.

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The point is to collect free stuff, silly. :D


The multiple choice ones are likely automated, that could be useful. The text fields are just there to make one feel one is contributing. Hard to imagine they actually read them, besides I always write "needs more outfits," my buddy runs his fingers across the keyboard and hits send. :/

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I do believe NCsoft have a team to check all the survey, the survey #24 asking about mount, housing...etc. I would guess  a lot of people will ask for a mount included myself because in the vast land (although there are plenty of invisible wall) a mount would fit in the scence and windwalk totally useless there lol

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