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Moonwater Valor Stone and the Wheel


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Is moonwater valor stones completely useless now to max geared 45 and the only use for them now is to spend it all in the new village's wheel?


I got like almost 300 of theses valor stones so its gonna be a very very long time before i used them all up in wheel. Is there like a faster way for this or are there any other use for the moonwater valor stones? Thanks in advance.

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2 minutes ago, Diradem said:

There is apparently a merchant you can exchange your MW valor stones for the new ones.

Awesome, than i guess i could stop wasting my time trying to spin the wheel like all these other players lol.

9 minutes ago, Diradem said:

There is apparently a merchant you can exchange your MW valor stones for the new ones.

Would you also know how to do the 3 blue quest in the first village? the quest circles are in the village itself but i don't know how to access it or phase to it. There is also no dungeons for it. Talking about the 3 blue quest you get right at the beginning after saving the village. You get these 3 quests from the talus guard guy in the center.

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