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Warlock - Force Master - Destroyer vs PVE


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This about all PvE contents for these classes:


*I got WL 45 with Pirate Weapon and Siren stage 10 Accessories: game play quite fun with WL cause of Soulburn and fast kills for dailies.

*I got FM 45 with Aweaken Siren stage 10 and same for Accessories: game play still fun with high mobile few few everything to dead or simply just freeze thing in place until they are died.

*I just got into a mood to level a Destroyer (I never actively play a melee classes in any games), and it's quite fun with self awareness with all close range attacks I need to avoid from bosses.


My concern is upgrading more than 1 class (weapon/accessories) is very expensive and time consuming in long run. So, what class will you choose to keep at main class?


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Really all of those will be really good to keep as a main class. It boils down to pretty much how much you really and genuinely enjoy each one. If they're all about equal, then working on your WL would make the most sense since you have the most gear on it atm.

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