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How to beat KFM?


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Here is a copy, because you apparently like copying one thread over the forum several times:

KFM is super hard for Destroyer players. My tactic is not spinning all the time and I-framing the knockdown kick with Typhoon or something else (their SS pretty much tells you when they will do it. Always take persistence into this matchup to have another escape. You can interrupt them mid 3rf and get an free stun combo or escape out of using your own escape. You should spin often, but not all the time. Some players say, spin right in their face, some say, spin away from them. I like spinning into them and going for a combo when their max agility and dodges are on cooldown, they wont be able to react when you are so close, so you wont get countered. Knee T2 S3 is a good skill too, just smash that F button whenever you and the Kfm have a little distance for a free daze and then tech chase and free combo or escape is blown.
I had a theory recently that you could also run Fury into this matchup to bait their SS Knockdown Kick with Spin and then activate Fury in the last moment to I-frame it and then Shield Bash and 100-0 or at least blow their escape and 30% of their health, since they wont be able to react in the quick animation that the Kick has.


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