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i have given up


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Today i throw in the towel i can no longer do it. 250 Runs of 4man black ram supply chain and no pirate princess drop. not even once no ticket no outfit. i just can be bothered each run from 10-15mins doing the math yea dats alot of man hours to not even see this outfit drop. this isnt just unlucky this just not rewarding. ima just wait from the red version to hit the cashshop other wise its utter madness. 

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7 runs, got the outfit. I was just doing my daily. I don't even have the 10x achievement.


Good news is that it may be available in the achievement shop with Silverfrost update (along with Seductresses) for naryu silver.

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with in my first 10 runs i got the eye patch i was happy 26 runs after that i got the hairfrom there to 217 i got 2 hairs and few cat items including ally cat outfit hair and the tail adornment. now you mean to tell me i cna get the purple items which are more rare than blue  item which should be more common please i have nothing left to prove the ENG fking sucks and drop tables are some what rigged 

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Ouch man that's shit luck I feel you. I'm at run 200 for Infinite Challenge...and on top of all the other negative points it's starting to wear on me...why bother? I'm not giving up just yet but damn there's a line between RNG and just a big ol waste of time.

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4 hours ago, Teijin said:

Today i throw in the towel i can no longer do it. 250 Runs of 4man black ram supply chain and no pirate princess drop. not even once no ticket no outfit. i just can be bothered each run from 10-15mins doing the math yea dats alot of man hours to not even see this outfit drop. this isnt just unlucky this just not rewarding. ima just wait from the red version to hit the cashshop other wise its utter madness. 

Don't feel bad. I swear to you RNGesus loves to play with us mortals. I ran Adder's Nest over 600 times (roughly 1-2 minutes per run) until I finally got the Bandit Queen outfit, 1 time for First Step, less than 10 for the Pirate Princess, 20+ for Dark sandstorm (still don't have it), and the numbers go up and down from there. I know there's horror stories out there for Infinite Challenge too as a friend of mine ran it 200+ times before he got it (I think he got it).


Point is, RNGesus SUCKS, just run the thing a couple times a day and don't even think about it, you'll get it eventually.

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