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hello, first time posting here 

just had a run for Blackram with cross server dungeon and everything was going fine untill last boss where after i died(and none ressed me) one person started cursing me and telling me i didnt do it right.

I have a warlock and they told me to do soulburn, i did, but it seems they wanted it at a specific time frame and i don't understand when they wanted it.

It would seem they wanted some achievment but why use cross server for that, make a pt from your own server and try it.

My question in when is the best time for soulburn?

Do i spam it whenever i can?or no

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Best time to use Soul-burn is when the boss is maybe 15 to 20% Almost Dead. To finish him off much faster. And Depending on how much health he has, And the CD of the Soul Burn than you can use it early on and before he dies.

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Soulburn Tier 3 Form 2



Depends on the boss really. It has a 3 minute cooldown, so if you can kill the boss within 3 minutes, you should use at a point of time where the boss is cc´d, so you don´t lose any potential damage from the boss disabling any of your members.


It could also be used to skip a trigger (enraged, timed trigger, hp trigger etc)

And obviously, if you expect that the boss takes more than 3 minutes to kill, you should use it as early as possible to cast it twice.


As for your experience, it was a salty player that seems frustrated by his own inabilities and can only perform well when the rest of the party does. Most experienced players will have no problem doing Poh4mans even with 3 medium lvl 45´s.

However, if you queue for a dungeon, it´s proper etiquette that you at least think you can contribute to the party and that you´ve done the dungeon before and has some idea about boss mechanics and teamplay in general.


However, I think its great that you seek help, and try to improve. Great respect for that. Good luck ~



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Actually at the start. Why? You'll have uninterupted dps the entire time (landmine included) also, all your self buffs from your weapon and gems (depends on which one you have) will proc at the start and everyone can use their entire burst combo on the boss with all these buffs up, resulting in higher dps and a burn phase. It's really obvious. Anything later is pretty much a waste, there's no reason to use it at 20-15% cause she's pretty much already dead anyway. As for your experience, it wasn't a salty player cursing you for being bad or whatever, he was frustrated for failing to complete the achievement which he didn't bother to mention to you. Not much could of been done, at best they lacked some dps because you died, in which case all you can do is prevent dying at poharan. Doubt he was mad for the inability to kill poharan, cause at the end, you did kill her, just not for the achievement.

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i have done this dungeon before, none ever complained when i did soulburn, and usually i had time to do it twice.

I dont know how to upload pics but his exact words where, use soju after she does her aoe first red circle when she jumps in air and then soulburn from warlock/right after that.... he wasn't even talking to me just some other player.

i thought first aoe was when she goes to the middle so i did soulburn then but after that she did the steam and i died and he started saying wtf this warlock, i was so spechless cause everyone had been so nice so far but he lost his mind and start writting in all caps too and just left me there dead, worst dungeon i have done in this game, if this is how endgame people are then i rather avoid them all together.

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Ah. He didn't complain because you misused your soulburn. He complained cause you died at the steam phase (which honestly you shouldn't ever die to.) My advice would be to look up an instance video of poh 6man BEFORE jumping into it blindly without knowing the tactics. Actually, you should of learned this by doing 24 man already.

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nope he complained about the soulburn cause he wrote where is the soulburn wtf this warlock, dude has some serious problems.

I died because i wasnt paying attention to boss but to what he was writting -__- and trying to do soulburn,but whatever, if he cannot find 5 friends to help him  with achievments thats not my problem, wasted enough time on this leech.

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