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Is it worth learning the rumblebee secret skill?


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As the title said is it really worth learning Rumblebee secret technique,I probably did not use rumblebee since the first few levels because started using sunflower as soon as I was able to and would like to hear a few opinions about this.

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I'm also wondering about this. 


Found a thread on reddit that said its only really good in the 24mans due to the crit buff you get in there.


More importantly do we need it to unlock anything later in the game eg 50 for our class/skills?

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I bought it and personally love it. I love it in Pvp, both 1v1 and 3v3. It's amazing. Also very good for mushin, where you can CC-lock bosses and literally hold RMB for free. I beat Junghado without taking a single hit. He doesnt even have time to cast his Enrage AoE because he's just always either Knocked up, down or stun/dazed while I unleash non-stop rumblebee.


Same for mushin 1, Mushin 2 sometimes. Mushin 3 it's still nice, but cant just CClock him.


People swear by Sunflower everywhere.. but personally I dislike sunflower. Too much animation cancelling needs to be done... Making sure you keep your photo stacks.. Making sure the boss stays in your Briar Patch for stacks.. Making sure you manage your focus properly... and it also makes your knockup 100% useless since Sunflower cant hit knocked up target.

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Form 1 is mostly used for 24-man since you can get 100% crit, but outside that, it doesn't have too much advantage because of how crit scales; it's only really good for bosses that you can't get photosynthesis up easily on but can CC (Junghado), outside of the 24-man instances. Form 2 is useful for PvP if you combine it with other talents to reset the cooldown, although we are missing the final skill for seed shroud to reset the skill. In other versions, it looks like Form 1 becomes more useful in PvE with single targets, but those people had legendary gear and massive crit chance. Form 3...I can't imagine how it would be useful at all with its descriptions.

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/17/2016 at 1:45 PM, Hawktalon said:

As the title said is it really worth learning Rumblebee secret technique,I probably did not use rumblebee since the first few levels because started using sunflower as soon as I was able to and would like to hear a few opinions about this.

Beez the bomb! I am using t1 level 3 version and I still drain hp of bosses and in pvp when an opening shines bright. Beez t1 lvl 3 got me pass Jung, I was very happy .

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