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Blackwyrm is a bunch of crap


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why am i getting hit by his aoe when I'm clearly outside of the red???

why can i spam dragoncall wing rupture bombardment mantra and keep my thrall on him the whole time and still not get any loot???


this is an unfair fight.

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1 hour ago, Krucius said:

why am i getting hit by his aoe when I'm clearly outside of the red???


this^ x100


1 hour ago, Krucius said:

why can i spam dragoncall wing rupture bombardment mantra and keep my thrall on him the whole time and still not get any loot???

you need to do 1% of his hp in order to get loot. So it's 680k/900k dmg, depending on which version of wyrm you're fighting

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9 minutes ago, Assassinman said:

It's pretty much a waste of time.  Takes like an hour to kill and a big chance you won't get any loots.

Doesn't even take 15min if you have people with proper gear...

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1 hour ago, Assassinman said:

It's pretty much a waste of time.  Takes like an hour to kill and a big chance you won't get any loots.

Well, organized wyrms take 10-15mins to kill, problem is that the chests are 33 Brilliant and 17 Normals, so only 500 persons will take the loot IF they did more than 1% and inclusive ( which is around 910k dmg ), sometimes you have wyrms with 70 or 80 ppl and lots complain that they didn´t get a reward and this is why. Only faction zerging wyrms with braindlaged or ppl that don´t undrstand english takes that long, some ppl break the rotation and sometimes ends up killing the tank ( yes summoners and warlocks, im looking at you and your agrro skills/tree) can´t count how many times in our server our tanks lost the agrro and the rotation broke down cause of the taunt skills. Now imagine a summoner spamming taunt and doesn´t understand english, like some turks we have in our server doing that crap over and over on wyrm.

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it really doesn't take an hour... if you have a good tank should take you about 15 mins assuming there are a total of lets say 15-20 ppl with decent gear know what they are doing. if you die just rez run back deal dmg so it doesn't reset but don't take too long to get back to the wyrm.

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If you have a tank and competent players in your faction, BW goes down fairly quickly. A big portion to this is that the player needs to know how BW works. If he is tanked properly without pets taunting it or the tank dying, BW follows a specific rotation. You need to maximize combat time, meaning you need to iframe his roar or use an immunity and keep on attacking. Minimizing downtime means that you can do more damage. Once you figure this out, BW is pretty simple. It is however difficult if there are a ton of players there, then it comes down to who can attack the most and who has the better gear to scoop up the loot.


I do agree though, his roar attack does reach beyond the red border and that is a bit botched up.

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just tried it again. spent most of the fight either eating or dying.


this fight is un *cricket*ing fair. his aoe hits entirely too hard, especially since its a guess whether or not you're outside of its range.


*cricket* you, ncsoft. your games are fun to look at. that's about it.

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Um you are  a warlock, learn how many rotation you can do before you need to either SS or Bastion, if you want to be sure you don't get hit at all you can SS and run out of the aoe area, wait for it to go off, then quickly go back in to dps again. Watch BW animation so that you can estimate when it will use the roar.


I done it a few times on my smn, tbh being a melee in that fight is harder than being range. Range have the easiest time in the fight.

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I made a Warlock mainly for the ranged aspect of it and was excited about the idea of finally getting a loot chest from Blackwyrm after all this time but... I got to 45, geared up, fought the thing and got nothing. Absolutely nothing besides 4 cheap faction contribution points. I made sure I didn't die and kept the DPS always up and yet I get nothing. I knew and know more than ever that Blackwyrm was and is a bunch of crap indeed.

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18 minutes ago, Pohwan said:

I made a Warlock mainly for the ranged aspect of it and was excited about the idea of finally getting a loot chest from Blackwyrm after all this time but... I got to 45, geared up, fought the thing and got nothing. Absolutely nothing besides 4 cheap faction contribution points. I made sure I didn't die and kept the DPS always up and yet I get nothing. I knew and know more than ever that Blackwyrm was and is a bunch of crap indeed.

Not dying doesn't means you are doing enough damage though, the more players fighting it actually makes it harder to get enough damage in since the damage is split up more.


I do agree that BW is a bunch of crap, hence the reason I don't do it anymore, i rather farm terror and guarantee at least a chest with 1 soul stone and maybe key to sell. BW no thanks, not worth the time or the repair.

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3 minutes ago, vita said:

Not dying doesn't means you are doing enough damage though, the more players fighting it actually makes it harder to get enough damage in since the damage is split up more.


I do agree that BW is a bunch of crap, hence the reason I don't do it anymore, i rather farm terror and guarantee at least a chest with 1 soul stone and maybe key to sell. BW no thanks, not worth the time or the repair.

My bad. It came across the wrong way. My "I made sure I didn't die and kept the DPS always up" really meant "I made sure I didn't die to keep the DPS always up". And yeah, add in a few true pirates to the bunch and you're pretty much screwed. I'm not doing either anymore. I don't feel like the soulstones are worth it. Especially with the next big patch coming up.

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2 minutes ago, Pohwan said:

My bad. It came across the wrong way. My "I made sure I didn't die and kept the DPS always up" really meant "I made sure I didn't die to keep the DPS always up". And yeah, add in a few true pirates to the bunch and you're pretty much screwed. I'm not doing either anymore. I don't feel like the soulstones are worth it. Especially with the next big patch coming up.

I got what you mean coz the same thing happen to me, alive and dpsing from start to finish, but no loots, then I saw a few posts up there is a limit to the amount of loots, so the more players they are the harder it is to get anything. Simply not worth it. Terror I only do it if I saw it spawn or around the area otherwise not gonna bother waiting for spawn.

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It's really dependent on which BW you are doing. Cliff BW takes no more than 30 mins on a decent team, could go for 15 mins if your team is organized. If it's in Talus base, well good luck with that. Took us an hour to do it because Terrors spawned at a horrid time and we had to pretty much get rekt by Terrors. 


The bad thing is you gotta kill BW in Talus if you want the BW to spawn to cliff at some point. Terrors are easy handle, takes 10 mins or less, but BW itself is really dependent on location. 

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4 hours ago, Krucius said:

just tried it again. spent most of the fight either eating or dying.


this fight is un *cricket*ing fair. his aoe hits entirely too hard, especially since its a guess whether or not you're outside of its range.


*cricket* you, ncsoft. your games are fun to look at. that's about it.

Well guess you just wanna ignore all the advice people have given you. 


28+ meters= roar doesnt hit you


count to 15-16 seconds bounce to 28 meters if you cant tank more than 2 roars. 


Theres your magic formula to killing BW

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10 hours ago, Krucius said:

just tried it again. spent most of the fight either eating or dying.


this fight is un *cricket*ing fair. his aoe hits entirely too hard, especially since its a guess whether or not you're outside of its range.


*cricket* you, ncsoft. your games are fun to look at. that's about it.

no it's not hard .-.

It's really rather simple if you know the rotation


range spit -> Stomp -> breath ->  range Spit -> stomp -> breath -> roar -> repeat


if you can't handle the mass amount of people, lower your graphics, turn people off. i would recommend turning people off either way. most of the time there's a lot of people and you want to be able to see the aoe boxes. if you have a decent tank then there is no reason that you should be dying. don't say that the fight is unfair if you don't know what youre doing because it's perfectly fine the way it is. It isn't no easy dgn boss, it's a open world boss. It's not supposed to be easy otherwise someone can just easily solo the damn thing. the aoe hitting hard is a good thing because it's actually making you use your escapes and while in the rotation there should be enough time for some of your dodges to be refreshed. this games pve isn't that hard, it just requires you to use your damn head


BTW keyword here is rotation, if some asshat comes in and taunts the boss, with pet or opposite faction member taunts it, and the rotation is thrown out of wack, THEN you can complain.



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