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Critical hits , poor description?


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Hello everyone, I just saw that the critical hit was not the right description.


The problem: In the description of CC is marked at the end that increases our chances cc BUT also damage dealt out this is not the case, the only way to actually increase the damage of the CC and via the equipment and nothing else.


Is it normal that I'm having my 1,200 as 2,600 damage does not change one bit? Yet the description says that it increases, I am screenshoots but you can try it yourself you will see that the final description is not good and that only the characteristic "critical damage" on equipment changes the damage CC (in the course power.


A normal attack without bagua crit.



Then an attack with so bagua 1400 cc of the damage should be much higher as stated in the description?




Bin and not at all, here is a picture with a description of critical hits.




in the last sentence was: "affects your chance of a critical hit and the damage it inflicts."


I make the difference between critical damage (the character) and the CCs etc ... speaking of CC for short, which must also climb the damage in DC but does not do so.



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So there is a problem with home.


I often see players who demand dungeon to have 3,000 3,500 critical view.

Off when exceeding the critical hits of 2500 (50%) in 3000 with critical hits is only 54% (approximately) thus increasing critical hits is useless once exceed 2,500 asse not being profitable ^^


I see in the ranking of people with critical hit 3.xxx.

with one in 3575 that 58.36% of critical, therefore, is not profitable to increase critical reviews over 2,500 (50%)?

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Google traslator much?


Anyway, since defensive stats only matter so much in pve (as you can actively dodge most attacks), speccing into offensive stats is a much better tradeoff. And since the only offensive stat you can invest on (via soul shields) is crit, then that is your best option.


Consider this choice, 5% more crit or 10k more HP. 10k more HP sounds nice right? But the thing is, it will seldom be of use past certain point , you are either full life all the time, or you are dead. 5% more crit is 5% more damage always.

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j'ai lu ton post sur le forum français et je voulais pas répondre mais on le voyant de nouveau ici je trouve que ça te tracasse vraiment .

le seule problème ici c'est la traduction française qui est fausse 



voila en englais ça ne dit rien du tout a propos des dégâts critique !

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Je me pose une autre question :


Les coups critiques n'augmente pas les dégâts critiques, pourquoi tout le monde se mais full critiques alors que cela n'a pas de gran intérét si il n'augmente que les chance qui une fois dépasser les 50% devient dur à monter ?



I pose another question:


Critical hits will not increase critical damage, why everyone but full critical as it has no interest gran if it increases the chance that once exceeded 50% becomes hard to ride?

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