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Fps tweaks that helped me


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Hey guys I stumbled upon an article about a different game with fps problems and I tried a suggestion that helped me get more stable. I hope it helps others as well.


I don't know how or why it works tbh.


Just go to Control Panel > Power > High Performance > Advanced Settings > Processor power management and set the Maximum rate to 99%


>Also find a software at your own risk that disables unneeded Windows background services, this also helped me ton.< This is IMPORTANT.


Doing these two things I can stay at 120 fps in dungeons and everywhere else if no excessive amount of people, bosess drop to 60-100 fps but very playable without micro stutters.

BW with ctrl F I get around 30-50 which is good enough.


Good luck.




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max state set it to 99% will disable turbo core, turbo core will be active at 100%


So i am thinking this game has problems with that maybe ?


It helps me a lot but also don't forget the other step. I can send you the name of the software I use to disable windows services

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