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PvP matching is broken


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My friend and I are level 15 and are keen to get into PvP so we queued for a match. I didn't see, but my friend says we got matched against level 45s. WTF? I spent practically the whole match CC'ed or dead and only managed to get off about 3 abilities. After about 30 seconds my friend and I were dead and only one enemy was at all damaged!


It is ridiculous. Even if all our stats and gear got scaled up to match, we are still missing abilities. And even if you add the abilities to scale us up, we have no idea how to use them yet!


Why is the PvP matching new level 15 players against experienced level 45 players!

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when i was lvl 15 that awaysed hapened. when ic omplained in chat i only got

"level to 45 then"


"youre a summoner you should wreck 45s" -.- i couldnt beat my first 45 until i was levl 38, and yet i saw a lvl 22 destroyer in gold 

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