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Is it macro or no.


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Hello! i use cheap mouse with multiple buttons. I use one mouse button for one keyboard button. ( i have small hands) My question is. If i will write two keyboard buttons for one mouse button ( for example F and 4)) w/o any delay time etc, just to make it work one after another like this: i click one time for F, second time for 4 and again one time for F and again and again... If 4 is on reuse i will spam only F till 4 will be on, one after possible another. Is that macro? I dont understand that "macros" but i heard people always talkin about perfet ani cancel with delay beetween buttons.

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I also have an email from NCsoft that states that they do not ban players for using mouse or keyboard software.

My email states that they ban automated play - and they refer to bots.


The screenshot above also states that simple macros (2 keys bound to 1 mouse button) is ok.


The rest is a greyzone.

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its more of a "use at your own risk".


players have not been banned for setting one key to one button. HOWEVER, a player has been banned for binding SS to a mouse key as in the TOS its actually a violation. 


so one button - fine. 2 button macro? not worth the risk

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