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EU/NA, KR servers ( Ping related ) ?

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i dont understand whenever i watch KR Videos or Twitch theyr skills are always faster and they say they have like 5-10 ping there, when i watch EU NA videos or twitch the skills dont go as fast KR does, also why when i live in EU playing on EU servers i have 90-150 ping? sometimes it drops below 50 then bam 150 again so unstable. i dont understand that kind of ping i get when i play games on NA servers.


is it EU server problem and NA are fine? 


P.S. before fanboys run screaming " oh your internet is SHIT, you suck" and so on i have 100-300Mb's connection




The chart is not mine, but you get the idea how unstable it is

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Because Korea is small with infrastructure 10x the quality of ours. That's really it. These games are designed to be played in a <40ms environment which their entire region has. You're LUCKY if you get under 80 on NA servers even if you live in Texas, which by extension makes some classes impossible to play to their full potential. Your situation looks different though due to the stable ping change.

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Well basically, what they dont want people to see is that you are dropping packets constantly while ingame, the explanation on that stadistic graphic from WTFast is basically, when you are ingame you are below 50 ms and when it goes up to 150-200 ms is when you are at menus.




As you can see there, all the time I was ingame i was all the time arround 40 ms but dropping packets all the time, but as soon as i went to the char select menu, the ping suddenly went up to 150 constantly.


The explanation for this is basically when you are connecting to the EU server(aka when you are ingame) you're connecting throu 4 server tracers, as many people shown on the taskbar from windows, the first one is directly from your IP which is basically 0 ms normally, 2nd one is the connex from your ISP towards the server (in my case Frankfurt since I play on EU) which should be below 70 ms (above this it can be your ISP or that the server is spiking/lagging w/e). Third connexion is from your IP towards the logging server aka NA and the 4th one im still not sure yet. 


So basically why does people on EU lag? Simply as you can see on the right side of the Pic, my WTFast is showing that all the time that im ingame im dropping packets thats because the server on europe is passively connected towards an NA main server, so basically everytime you are sending packets to EU, those packets travel from Frankfurt(DE) towards NA and since its not a direct connection to NA you drop packets on the way.


I have to say that after march 2nd patch I'm not really needing WTFast cause the issues got fixed in my case (inb4 today after maint they come back again).


But yeah in a TLDR we have skill delay because of packet lost.


ALSO forgot to say, Arena server is on EU aswell but has the same issue as the open world one, thats why it feels like you are lagging or that you have 150+ ms, but its just packet lost issue. (you can perfectly see this with WTFast)

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