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Really NCSoft?


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SHit's been happening since they bough in zen beans there are even smart bots that can't be CC'd and have no cool down on skills and well once you use your iframes they 2 hit but hey support wont even let you submit a report about them via the arena you have to hope they are gold or above so you can see the name and then make a ticket which gets the same reply every time. 

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7 hours ago, OuchThatHurt said:

SHit's been happening since they bough in zen beans there are even smart bots that can't be CC'd and have no cool down on skills and well once you use your iframes they 2 hit but hey support wont even let you submit a report about them via the arena you have to hope they are gold or above so you can see the name and then make a ticket which gets the same reply every time. 

While it is possible to report players in the arena at any difficulty, it's remarkably difficult to do so, since mouse-clicking their avatar to get the dropdown menu is obstructed most of the time at the end of a match, and durng a match you have no chance unless you have a 5 seconds freeze skill hit you or them.

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