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NCSOFT READ THIS: Epic Extreme Solution against Bots and Leechers...GONE SEXUAl !


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Justice Bots - As we all know, gameguard can now detect all hackers and bots. Yes there are still bots in the game cause they bypassed the gameguard but still they are already detected and saved in the system so in the next ban wave, every bot and hackers that are detected would be banned at once. Now instead of waiting for the next ban wave to come. Ncsoft should create their own bot army called the Ban Squad. These bots would scatter across the server and track down all the other non ncsoft bots to ban them. They would easily be trackable since gameguard has already detected them but of course having a real life GM ban them one by one would take a long time so creating these police bots would be far far easier and relaxing for Ncsoft. Add a Justice like symbol to these police bots so players know these are the good bots and not the bad ones.


Scums vs Scums - As for Leechers , we know Ncsoft said these scumbags aren't ban able unfortunately but i have come up with the greatest solution to these mutha ****ers. Add a new type of report choice in the report menu in the game so now we will have report as bot, spammer, and leecher. If a person gets reported as a leecher by at least 10 different players than that leecher will now start to que with other leecher scums thats also reported. So eventually you'll have leechers queing up with other leechers, imagine a party with 6 leecher scums LOL. Level 1s cannot report and i know people can still abuse this but if you think about it, almost everything can be abused and the pros far out weight the cons here.



What do you guys think about my awesome ideas?! If a MOD would reply, i would be extra happy.

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Just now, UnitedStrafes said:

Good except the leeches just need to be permabanned on the 1st offense no questions asked.

I completely agree, i would love to see every single leeching scumbag get banned forever but unfortunately Ncsoft said they weren't ban able. But this was like 2 weeks ago not sure about now, hopefully they changed their mind and start making this a ban-able offense as there are more and more players and threads complaining about this.

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I can see some cases of leeching being unintentional AFKing moments that aren't properly communicated. But recurrent intentional cases should indeed be ban-worthy.


So no, I disagree with permabanning leechers on 1st offense, that's just stupidly excessive. OP's original idea is much fairer and more reasonable.

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The first one needs to be a troll post lol.

Why would they create bots to 'track down' other bots. According to you they already 'tracked them down'. And why the f* would they need bots anyway... you could always just press one button and send out a ban wave earlier than planned. I dont see any point in what you sugested.


Nothing against the other idea tho.

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You know what? Instead of perma banning leeachers or banning them at all why dont we give em incentive yea?

How bout this...you have to be there at the main boss killing if you contribute a minimum, just a minimum, of 1%-5% decrease of dungeon bosses life, you get to finish your dynamic quests/get dibs on bids. If less than said contribution is made. You get nothing. Punto final, end of story.

PS: Whats up with the title? I dont get it.

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I'm trying to comprehend this in my head.

" Ncsoft should create their own bot army called the Ban Squad. These bots would scatter across the server and track down all the other non ncsoft bots to ban them "

So they create their own bots, that should recognize other bots and make out that they are not players in some way....

... That would be amazing, but I think impossible to create to be honest. (wild guess here)


And technically banning permanently for being a prick in the game going afk on purpose should be like a "3 strikes, your out type of deal".

If the team consider them doing it repeatedly by looking on the player log for the specific player, put a dungeon ban on them or a 3-7 days ban.

And if they keep it up well then sorry mate you're out.

I don't think they really wish to hunt down "players" who are playing even if they just go afk on purpose (being rude) and not using any 3rd party program.

"  If a person gets reported as a leecher by at least 10 different players than that leecher will now start to que with other leecher scums thats also reported. So eventually you'll have leechers queing up with other leechers "

As much as I like this idea, I see it being used and abused. Meaning that people would mark players as leeches just to mess with them, this is my only concern with this idea atm.


But I'm more in for the idea maybe have some human's that play the game to help out on hunting bots and taking bot reports and forwarding them to their support with maybe an feature of putting the player on a temporarily suspension while account is investigated as an "urgent case".

And push out an kick option to deal with lechers in the game more effectively and maybe some option to flag them for being destructive players to the community.

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