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Keep getting Error 4041


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Even though I tried to fix it several times I keep getting this error : http://prnt.sc/acszfe


I tried to turn off Windows Firewall , i turned off my Antivir programm . I tried to delete the Gameguard file , and restarted my pc . Nothing happened at all . I try to get the game starting since 3 hours now , HELP :c

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4041 and 4049 are similar but not entirely seams to be related to gameguard detecting a software as a "un-cool" program to run while you are running the game. (hard to tell the difference when I can't find a good GameGuard error code description page from GG.

Anything from razor to logitech softwares and others.

So you should have a look in task manager is my bet and end process of programs you do not need running to play the game to try single out the issue is a good try seeing thats what others have done in most cases to make it work from reading forums.











Also if you can't find the issue and are certain its caused by gameguard, send in the ERL files if you have any to them so they can assist you.


Since they made the program, they will be your best shot at detecting that is the cause if you can not fix it yourself., also ontheir main page they have a few help pages on what people should do on other errors.... Not sure if that will help tho...

And remember google is your friend, not your enemy :3

- Thingy

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