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what is the best pvp rotation and build for warlock?


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well , how many skill points you have ?

skills that needed to alive in pvp

Bastion R3M1 (5 seconds invicible mean everything for warlock since they can beat someone or being beated by someone in those 5 mere seconds)

Secondwind , R2 if you facing the grabbers , this skill help you escape , as a char that easily to die , WL need alot escape power

Elipse R2M2 , there are quite alot guide that not included this skill, however , if you can not kill someone fast , this is the best skill to escape, SS back , escape from their range and ... snare them , work with jumping target so if DD or KFM jumping to you , snare them, if Ass come to your back, you have a thin chance to SS and snare them 

Soulslacker a.k.a snaring skill

Quell R1M1 a.k.a decrease CD of Quell down to 1 second, if you have more point to upgrade this skill , that is good for you, if not , leave it at R1

Leech, leech started most of WL combo so you gonna need it , the best R3 leech for you is depend on your own way of building your WL

same as Leech, depend on your style , you have to choose between Dragoncalls , which deal massive damage and Dragon Helix which instant cast but need to gathering orbs 


Skills that gathering Orbs for DH

Leech R1,2,3M1,2

Dimensional Volley a.k.a Bombardment Move 3 Rank 2 , 3


Imprison M1R2,3 or M2R3 this one is depending on your style again ... Move 2 need only 3 chants to finish but have daze effect and weaker, Move1 need 5 chants (classic one) but decrease Leech CD , reset Wingstorm CD and make it instant cast 

Move 1 is more profit but high risk when move 2 is easier and less damage with a daze to protect you


skills that scariest in PvP : Time Distortion 

you can cast any skills 3 times in 5 seconds ... the massive damage force your target to die or stay out of your attack zome


if you interested in DC instead of DH , i will tell you later


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