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[SOLVED] Random game freeze after the patch

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I got ( and getting ) many random freezes of the game after the 2th march patch.

I did few benchmark to see if was a problem of my GPU ( amd R290X ), but no.. it's not my GPU. So i tried to see if was a PC issue or game issue.. and, after kept for 12hrs the PC under stress with some work programs (work in photoshop, illustrator, and rendering with 3dmax) , I did not got any crash/freeze . So I started to play Blade&Soul and after 1hour of gameplay, I got that freeze. Freeze of the game, and then the whole Stystem (windows 10). The only one way to solve the freeze is reboot manually the pc. 

Already did the File Repair 2 times, I also unistalled it and reinstalled but... nothing! Only with Blade&Soul, with other games.. no problems. 

What I should to do? 


Thanks for the support.

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i have similar problem, my game got freezes and random fps drops in some areas, but before patch only fps drop was in misty woods while killing bw. also game load slower since game guard is poping up after pressing launch. sometimes when i get freezes i need to reboot my pc manually cuz everythng g crazy. didnt have this problem before patch :/ repaired once, kinda helped but problm came back. :/

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I solved the problem by following this steps provided by the NC support Team

(after I sent them some logs of my pc and drivers)




Let's start by preventing programs from automatically starting with Windows, then repairing some Winsock entries. To do this:

  1. Press and hold the Windows key and then hit the R key. This should bring up the Run dialog box.
  2. Type ""MSCONFIG"" without the quotes, and click ""OK."" This should open the System Configuration Utility.
  3. Click on the ""Services"" tab and check the ""Hide All Microsoft Services"" check box near the bottom, then click the ""Disable All"" button. (You MUST click ""Hide all Microsoft Services"")
  4. Next go to the ""Startup"" tab and click the ""Disable All"" button.
  5. Once these items are all disabled, click the ""OK"" button and you will get a prompt to restart your computer. Please restart your computer.

Once you return to Windows, use the following instructions to clean up Winsock entries:

  1. Click the ""Start"" button to bring up the Start Menu.
  2. Type in CMD into the ""Search programs and files"" field but do not hit enter. Doing this will change your start menu to show the program ""cmd.exe.""
  3. Right-click on ""cmd.exe"" and select ""Run as Administrator.""
  4. Type ""netsh winsock show catalog >C:\LSP.txt"" without the quotes. This will save a file to the root of your C drive called LSP.txt. Please attach that file to this ticket. (We would like this report even if the issue is resolved)
  5. Once complete, type ""netsh winsock reset"" without the quotes. When the command is completed successfully, a confirmation appears, followed by a new command prompt line.

Once completed, please try running Blade and Soul again by right-clicking on Blade and Soul shortcut and selecting ""Run as Administrator.""




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I've been getting this too, I thought it was my PC at first. Since that patch the game freezes sometimes 3-5 seconds...others 5-15 seconds. Usually I run 120 fps besides blackwyrm/mass pvp.


I've also noticed this is happening often in nayu lab fighting rajin when he does the huge lightening AoE. 


I checked my end, and everything seems to be working. I'll do what they sent you and see if it changes. 

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