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so.... about them dungeon leechers.


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While not 100% foolproof, you can run Pig dungeon, since even bots go thru it to complete the daily at the end. Less chances of a leecher there.


For the rest, NCWest pretty much said they don't wanna add vote-kick since 'people could abuse it'. So may aswell leech yourself then, yeah?

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1 minute ago, Exposing Hackers said:

Really? So all this time that i screenshot and reported these leeching asswipes were for nothing? Honestly they should all get prema ban with no second chances.

how do you know its doing something?.

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2 minutes ago, Exposing Hackers said:

Really? So all this time that i screenshot and reported these leeching asswipes were for nothing? Honestly they should all get prema ban with no second chances.


It's not against any rules. NC Soft on Twitch Stream also said it wasn't a bannable offense. They just said that these are rude players. They said there is nothing that you can do about them except leave the party.


Indeed, you wasted your time. They aren't breaking any rules. They are just being rude.


A vote kick option is still being weighed for abuse. We may or may not get it.

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1 minute ago, OneYouHate said:

poor you, learn to solo or make your own guild runs, you shouldn't expect special treatment using a cross server instance matching. If a player chooses to /dance or just stand at entrance and chat, that is her/his choice. 

Oh look a pro leecher, probably a leecher yourself. A dungeon is made to be run by a group, nobody is expecting special treatment. If you wanna dance at the entrance and be a dick than go ahead.

2 minutes ago, nestharus said:


It's not against any rules. NC Soft on Twitch Stream also said it wasn't a bannable offense. They just said that these are rude players. They said there is nothing that you can do about them except leave the party.


Indeed, you wasted your time. They aren't breaking any rules. They are just being rude.


A vote kick option is still being weighed for abuse. We may or may not get it.

There have been many good suggestions on the forum about how to make a decent anti leeching system without it being abused. If it was up to me, i'll prema ban anyone from small exploits to leeching.

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Just now, Exposing Hackers said:

Oh look a pro leecher, probably a leecher yourself. A dungeon is made to be run by a group, nobody is expecting special treatment. If you wanna dance at the entrance and be a dick than go ahead.

 RoFL don't attack me in forums lmao, my game i can choose how I want to play it. your game you can play it how you want to play it. either way expectations of forcing every player to conform into supporting you is wrong and a bigoted outlook on game play. Children only use silly name calling, either present an adult perspective or sit back and learn how others do it. :)

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3 minutes ago, OneYouHate said:

 RoFL don't attack me in forums lmao, my game i can choose how I want to play it. your game you can play it how you want to play it. either way expectations of forcing every player to conform into supporting you is wrong and a bigoted outlook on game play. Children only use silly name calling, either present an adult perspective or sit back and learn how others do it. :)


I am not attacking you nor do i care for your childish insults. Dungeon match making is made to be played by everyone in the group. Anyone with common sense knows this. Nobody should be going afk and expect the rest of the group to do the work for them. In any game, you are suppose to work as a group. I already know you're a leecher so enjoy being a ****.

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2 minutes ago, Exposing Hackers said:


I am not attacking you nor do i care for your childish insults. Dungeon match making is made to be played by everyone in the group. Anyone with common sense knows this. Nobody should be going afk and expect the rest of the group to do the work for them. I already know you're a leecher so enjoy being a ****.


AFK is Away From Keyboard, /dance or chatting at entrance does not qualify as and AFK action. As long as I am actively at the keyboard in control of my character should a GM decide to whisper me and I respond promptly no rules have been broken. 

  What you do know now is exactly what AFK means, Leeching though on the other hand I think you might still be clueless about. Good Luck in learning definitions. They can be some super tricky aspects on MMO game play to get a hold of esp due to having both NA and Euro regions .  

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Just now, OneYouHate said:


AFK is Away From Keyboard, /dance or chatting at entrance does not qualify as and AFK action. As long as I am actively at the keyboard in control of my character should a GM decide to whisper me and I respond promptly no rules have been broken. 

  What you do know now is exactly what AFK means, Leeching though on the other hand I think you might still be clueless about. Good Luck in learning definitions. They can be some super tricky aspects on MMO game play to get a hold of esp due to having both NA and Euro regions .  

What you said changes nothing, in fact you're just proving my point about people like you and the other leechers being dicks that needs to be prema banned. You just confirmed you're not gonna be afk but purposely sitting your lazy fifty ass at the entrance waiting for hard working players to work for your miserable ass. Like i said, enjoy being a human thrash.

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1 hour ago, JoeJoeBaggin said:

Is there really nothing we can do to prevent this?. I'm sick of going into a dungeon to farm tears and there's always 1-2 bots and a leecher player just sitting at the entrance waiting to bid for the tears or collect the payment.


The thing that NC Soft suggests is to leave the party when you encounter leechers and try joining another party. This is what their GMs do.

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Easy with the attacks, Why are you trying so hard to find validation in your point being the sole train of thought on this discussion topic, Without different views it is not a discussion. 

Question : what is prema banned? permanently banned? spell check please thank you

Question #2 If i'm a lazy fifty and your 45, who should be doing some work. Not like you really going to level me up to 51 in a 5 minute dungeon zerg. 

Final Note: you're pretty much here to troll and snipe players who can't seem to get past a focused aggressive mentality. You apparently are running multiple forums accounts, I really don't see you choosing that forum name for your "main ".  Don't have a bad day then expect to bully people over the internet. Have a good night Guy and Game On!   

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29 minutes ago, OneYouHate said:

poor you, learn to solo or make your own guild runs, you shouldn't expect special treatment using a cross server instance matching. If a player chooses to /dance or just stand at entrance and chat, that is her/his choice. 


REALLY NOW! This is the most absurd comment i have read on these kind of threads. Really ? I hope you are being sarcastic. Better put you can't be anything else but sarcastic, since i refuse to believe that anybody could make such a bad thought out argument as this. Mate again if you're being serious ... i don't know what kind of drugs you use, but i would like some, since it seems to take you into another dimension.

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21 minutes ago, Rawrzory said:


REALLY NOW! This is the most absurd comment i have read on these kind of threads. Really ? I hope you are being sarcastic. Better put you can't be anything else but sarcastic, since i refuse to believe that anybody could make such a bad thought out argument as this. Mate again if you're being serious ... i don't know what kind of drugs you use, but i would like some, since it seems to take you into another dimension.



Mate, there is an expression on the net called "Don't Feed the Trolls" : ). Let the mods deal with it : ).


Let's all calm down ok ^_^.


Nobody likes leechers : (. We can all atleast agree with this : ). Leeching is considered to be rude ;p. This is something else I'm sure we can agree on. I'm sure even leechers don't like other leechers to be in the party, because then the run takes longer =).


Players are free to leech. We're free to not play with them and leave the party. If nobody is willing to carry leechers anymore, then nobody will leech ^_^.


It is up to us to work together to encourage this behavior.


@Exposing Hackers

You don't have to be upset about leechers. You can easily just ditch them and ask other members of the party to ditch them with you. You get the satisfaction of knowing that you prevented them from leeching and they get the satisfaction of getting to keep trying until they can find a party that's willing to carry them : ).



You can totally play your own way ^_^. If you want to sit and dance at the entrance of a dungeon or even go afk, more power to ya. Ain't nobody stopping you. I'm not guaranteeing players will want to play with you and I'm not saying that it isn't rude, but it's not against the rules =). If players don't like what you're doing, they'll leave the party.


Are we all happy now? : D


No need to rage. Everyone has fair points : ).



Let's try to remain respectful of each other and follow the Code of Conduct =). Inflammatory remarks and trolling don't help anyone : (. I'm sure everyone must be on edge and frustrated, but let's try to not fight amongst ourselves and focus all of that anger on bots in arena : D. Maybe a little bit at GameGuard too for my sake : (.

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Please be aware that you are violating the Code of Conduct ^_^


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1 minute ago, nestharus said:

Please be aware that you are violating the Code of Conduct ^_^





Technically i haven't ... yet. But i'll leave it to you to figured that one out yourself. I'm just gonna say things can be looked at in another daylight. Arn't you simply being very negative in your interpretation about my genuine questions ? Is all i'm leaving you with.


Oh yeah and a genuine smile about this reaction Cap'tn merica.

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4 hours ago, Exposing Hackers said:

Leeching is ban-able if people actually screenshot the guys name and report it. Most leechers aren't even bots.

afk is not exploiting, so no. they will not be banned.

if you cross-dg-match and see an afk in your group you have 2 option, carry him, or find another group.

if you choose to run and finish that dg, that means it's your own choice to carry him.

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