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Thingy, The spy!


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Hi Everyone!

It's me, Thingy here!

Today I've been spying on the humans, some are so large I'm shorter then their knees.....

I had to hide in a bush so they would not notice me, you never know if they wish to use me as a pet.... ;/ ... Safety first mom told me.



As you can see they are really huge, one must be careful in case they attack, big animals = Big risks. I don't understand the point of standing around flexing their meat on their arms yet, but one day I'll write a book about it so other Lyn's can learn from my adventures.

They almost spotted me a few times, but I stood real still for 2 hour collecting information about this large creatures.

I sneaked into some areas earlier that had some hard foes in them and had to team up with some humans and a race I've never seen before... It was a human but a Lyn also!

But it was no Lyn or real human... Can there be some humans and Lyn's have found love?.... o.O Well it's a new race for now, It might be the Yun's I've seen... Must look into it more.

I've also worked up my human language skills as I study them, I tried a conversation with one today, he was dark skin male with braids I think they fall it.

I said "YO YO, WUZ GUD?" and he said something that I've never heard before.... Could it be an invitation to his home to eat?

Well a foe distracted us and we split ways.



After all spying today I went to a local waterfall to cleanse my body and clothes, they were very dirty.





But as you know, we Lyn's always have our eyes and ears open for danger.... You can never to be careful...



Later on I passed the humans town and saw some ladies cooking food and they must have thought I was begging for food cause they gave me some :3

I really just came for the nice smell and see what they like to eat... Female humans can make pretty good wife's I believe. It was delicious, So I wrote a heart on the ground with a stick to say thank you due to I haven't learned that human phrase yet... I will learn.



Well now I'm going to take a bath again ^^. No peak! K, THNX BAI BAI!!!! ;3



- Thingy





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