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Warlock Summon skill and keybinds


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hi, i just made a warlock, and notice that by default they were some abilities from the summon (if not all) that did not have key binds for you to use when u need them. For exemple if i want my summon to use Gravity Well when I want him to use it, i just can't so i was wondering if anyone has found how to associate keybind to those specific abilies for us to use them when we need.


Thanks in advance

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Its all used random and automatically by the pet, as its stated in the tooltip. Only Q and E is bindable like with any class.


You dont even have the buttons for anyways. Its like 5 skills. You have  enough to press with your lock, how you are supposed to push another 5 for your pet? Would make the class unplayable by any means.

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well when i used my  Onrush ability by pressing the corresponding keybind the summon doesnt charge nor taunt  anything, so i was also wondering about those.


Edit : nevermind its because i was casting it and ennemy was too close to me so i get aggro, i just try taunt and it works.

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