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In Game chat Problems


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Hello everyone.

I dont know if others have the same problem, but, i want to know it.

Well, the this is what happens, since the launch of the WL in past march 2 update, when i logged into game i wasnt able to read the faction chat/guild chat/party find Chat, i thought it was normal bcz sometimes the chat bugged like that, but until today (fryday) my problem isnt fixed and well, its annoying, specially bcz of the guild chat. Normal Chat, party chat and Wisper chat works normally, i even made a file check yesteday but nothing, if anyone of you had the same problem and fixed it, feel free to share your knowlegde.



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Hi MinZu,


Can I ask what server you are on?


We had some problems with global chat channels yesterday, if anyone else is having a similar issue today please do let us know!

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i am from Server- Starfall Crater & have this issue for almost 3 weeks now. 95% of the time Guild/Party/faction/region chat does not work. Support has last replied with ' This is currently a known issue and the Development Team is working to correct this in a future update '

but i dont see anything being done. It has gone to hopeless situation , so much that i m loosing my drive to even play. cuz mostly i have to play it like single player game,cuz no chat except whisper/say works.

How can the most basic function for a MMO stay broken for more then 3 weeks?! this is just absurd.
p.s- sry for so much negativity. but i love this game, been playing for lots of years. this has never happened to me before. its killing all the fun to the point i dont even feel like playing untill its fixed,which is no idea when.

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