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Not even WTFast can deal with the lag anymore?


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For many of us, we had to start using WTFast to play this game which worked for me but since the patch, it seems not even WTFast can handle the awful servers anymore.


Anyone else noticing it?

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After the update its difficult for me to even play the game now. I started on EU and I live in west US. Though I switched because of the lag. Ive been playing on US for long enough to be lvl 45 hm 3 with minimal lag. And yet after this update I am now experiencing lag nearly as bad as I was on EU. Seriously I hate the thought but I might just switch to BDO for the stability of the game. This is pretty *cricket*ing ridiculous. Also the fps is becoming more and more horrendous, no optimization + servers ran by hamsters doesn't do an mmo any good. 

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playing in germany on windrest. Rarely had all the lag fuzz people keep complaining about since launch. A couple of times in arena I experienced it, that was mostly it.

Since the recent patch however, my game turns from time to time almost into a flip-book experience...


While running/jogging through the Hogshead area, I got today every few moments something like a little hickup. I decided to log off and come back some hours later.

Yet again- different zone, different time, same perma-like lag...Even in instanced areas like the yellow story quest it keeps lagging.


Thats deffo not me and this game really penalizes already a sec of lag with the loss of a third till half my hp-bar depending on what I do.


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I haven't had any real lag issues.  But I am very close to one of their servers too.  I seem to recall they said in the latest twitch stream they were working on the lag issues/optimization.  So maybe they will be putting in a patch soon for this.

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I am not using WTFast, but yes. I thought the lag was bad before, but this is on a whole new lvl. Before I had to hit LMB about 3-4 times to get the command to register, now I have to mass spam click LMB it get my atk to work.

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