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Massive Ban Wave Info


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So, decided to kinda bring all these post into one.  I will paste links to each if youd like to read them.  Although, 1 has about 650 replies, so youll be reading for awhile.  As most of you know, there was a ban wave from ncsoft.  ALOT of people got banned... innocent and guilty.  Herein lies the problem... the MULTITUDE of innocents that are having to wait DAYS for something other than an automated reply.  You CANT send in a ticket on the website because you are banned.  Best you can do is create a NEW account and send one in then.  Which, will lead you nowhere.  So, we go to option 2, create an email to support@bladeandsoul.com in which you will get an automated reply almost instantly.


##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request (4754199) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

To add additional comments, reply to this email.


From this point, it is a waiting game.  Ive seen some say 6 hours, some 3-4 days.  And most received THESE automated replies:



We have reviewed the above action and found it and the associated penalty to be consistent with our policies. We ask that you review our terms and rules of conduct, which are available here: http://us.ncsoft.com/en/legal/user-agreements/. This action against the account will not be removed and the penalty will stand.



The details of the action have been thoroughly investigated by multiple staff, including veteran investigators. All agents have arrived at the same conclusion: the account was found participating in prohibited behavior that we were unable to attribute to an account compromise. The evidence our investigators gathered merited the action that was applied. Thus, we are unable to alter or remove it. While we prefer not to take such actions, we feel it is in the best interest of our player communities. Thank you for understanding. As this has been fully addressed, we are unable to respond to further inquiries about this matter.


From here, 1 of 2 things will happen.  BOTH being automated replies:



We regret to inform you but as previously stated, the account has been permanently closed for violations of the User Agreement. This account will no longer be accessible and can never be reactivated. We are unable to provide you with any more detailed information regarding our detection methods. By displaying the information we have collected and sharing this with you, we would be supplying you with data that could be used in the future to avoid our methods of identification and detection.


 At this time, I must also respectfully inform you that any additional appeals or inquiries regarding the action taken on the account will receive this same response.


or, if your luck (somewhat.. ill explain further down):



Thank you for contacting NCSOFT. We have reviewed the details of the action. As a result, we have completely removed the action and restored access to the account. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your patience as we worked to resolve this matter for you.


If you are still banned after this, you will keep getting the automated replies.  I can only suggest to keep trying and to contact 1) your financial institute and file a complaint for fraud.  2) contact the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and file a complaint there also.  Keep ALL the content, i.e. emails, copies of transactions until it is resolved.


With that being said.. I was lucky enough to FINALLY get the second reply after 3 days of fighting with these people.  You would think that it was good news.. and it was... for 24 hours... when I got banned again for the EXACT same thing.


In the first few pages of these forums, I have found MANY topics about this.  with over 1000 replies.  ONLY reply from ncsoft : contact our support.  That was it.  NOTHING else from their end.






















While I'm sure theres more I missed, I believe you get the jest of it.  There is a LARGE outcry, and NOTHING being done to rectify the problem.  The WORST customer support I have ever ran across by far.  The email process is timely and a huge hassle, and leads to days of wait for a response.


What ALOT of people have failed to realize is, what they are doing is ILLEGAL.  It is true, they DO NOT have to reveal their detection methods, but DO have to reveal more information than they are giving.. i.e WHAT 3rd party program was detected, WHEN it was detected.  You will hear some say that NCsoft owns your account.  True to an extent.  They hold ALL rights to BnS, but, you aren't paying for BnS, you are paying for a service they are providing and canceling without notice or proof of an infraction.  Some of what I'm saying can easily be found in law books or google, and if you want to research a little further, just call a few lawyers and ask for 5 minutes of advice.  If you don't believe me about the binding contract, I will quote an email FROM NCsoft.


Thanks for contacting the Blade and Soul Game Support Team.

Our Game Surveillance Unit closes hundreds of accounts a week that are related to third party software use or in-game sales. I know it is frustrating that we are not able to get every single character in our sweeps, but we are inevitably going to miss some. That is why we ask players to send us the names of any characters they believe are using third party software. We will investigate them and if we can prove they are using third party software, we will close their account. However, we have to treat every account closure as if legal action will be brought forward. By closing an account, we are technically breaking a contract. We will not do this unless we can prove that the other party (the player) violated that contract first (in this case, by using third party software in our game).


They admit they KNOW legal action can be brought against them and that it is a binding contract.  IF your guilty, and KNOW your guilty... just stay away from this because you don't have a foot to stand on.  Those that are innocent, and I know theres a lot because I'm right there with you... know your rights, look things up, because you cant rely on BnS automated support to help much.  I have literally videod 13 bots tonight in arenas and outside of dungeons.  All lvl 1 HM gear, strange names (like.. stewjksdfj), and doing the same moves over and over.  So while their "detection" misses all these bots and gold spammers, they are consistently banning undeserved players.  And all the while, they are collecting cash, sending automated replies, and giving everyone no response on the forums. 


I really do wish all those that undeservingly got banned the best.  It will be an uphill battle with support.  It will take sometime to get this straightened out.  If enough people take action.. other than the forums, eventually something will be done.  If the BBB gets enough claims (and if you look at ncsoft on the BBB website, it already has a lot of complaints) it will put its nose into it, and top that off with your financial institute looking into the matter, it will make NCsoft reevaluate its service and detection processes.  GL   :)

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it is realy simple , they cant detect bots if u create new account and log u will see bots doing main quest and arena all time , they only auto random ban and auto reply u tickets , i like blade and soul more i not will wait 3 days+ , waiting some hours for contact bbb and make chargeback....

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Thank you for the recognition! 


I am currently stuck in the 


I would be happy to assist you in recovering the account that has the characters you are looking for, but will need a bit more information to locate and verify the account. Please provide as much of the below information as possible.


but then 


With regards to your concern, i'm afraid that we cannot disclosed any information to what you seek.
Also, we regret to inform you but as previously stated, the account has been permanently closed for violations of the User Agreement. This account will no longer be accessible and can never be reactivated. We are unable to provide you with any more detailed information regarding our detection methods. By displaying the information we have collected and sharing this with you, we would be supplying you with data that could be used in the future to avoid our methods of identification and detection.

At this time, I must also respectfully inform you that any additional appeals or inquiries regarding the action taken on the account will receive this same response.





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Its funny... I made a 2nd account to post these things in the forum.  Tried to log into the site today, and the account was banned.... no emails, no anything.  You can check past post, there was never anything wrong in anything I said.  So, nj NC, your showing your true colors!

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They will close this thread again.


I really don't understand what they trying to do. My account also was banned and now over 5 days they ignore my emails and i gave them all information with all screenshot

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The real problem here is most players don't know how to respond to NCsoft to try and shorten the amount of time wasted.


It often takes them about 16 hours to respond to my tickets. Since I know this I always submit as much info as possible in the first ticket I submit. 


Your first ticket should have account info + the problem + why you are not a botter. Provide as much info as possible. If you do that, you can often get the ban lifted by your first or second response from NCSOFT.


Furthermore if you get banned, you know why you got banned, (were you using a macro, did you have a 3rd party program attached to the game that wasn't a bot, were you running into a wall or just looking suspicious for whatever reason?) explain what you were using if you were using something, if you weren't using anything then explain you were using nothing and they made and mistake, etc. Remember to remain polite. They are people like you and trolling you b.c you are a jerk is something you would do to other jerks too.

10 minutes ago, xSk8eRx said:

just downloaded black desert so good luck :))




Have fun. I am considering playing that in the future once I finish up here on B&S. I've no issue with playing more then one game at a time like a lot of gamers seem to. People play games as if they are married or something. I CAN ONLY PLAY BD or B&S, I can't play both or else I'm cheating! <---Sarcasm


I am also looking forward to ToS. I am strangely more excited for that MMO then I am for BD though. lol But nostalgia for the art design might be why. But also something about how the mobs just exploded was strangely addicting too. xD

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