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Blade and Soul will be the most played MMO in NA for years to come


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Just now, Bezerko said:


Well if you enjoy playing with at least a 5% bot population, by all means.


I find 5% unacceptable and will play a game with nearly no bots - WoW.  Only seen one bot in the two weeks I've resubbed.  It was just standing there, no farming, no spamming.

Five percent was just a quick example, the real amount is probably like 1% or less. And they will fix the bot problems soon, hopefully sooner than later.

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6 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

Only like 5% of the playerbase are bots, most likely less. Not saying thats a low amount cause theres a lot of people playing this game so 5% is already a lot of bot. Once they get rid of the bots, everything will be fine.


Well if you enjoy playing with at least a 5% bot population, by all means.


I find 5% unacceptable and will play a game with nearly no bots - WoW.  Only seen one bot in the two weeks I've resubbed.  It was just standing there, no farming, no spamming.

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17 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

Only like 5% of the playerbase are bots, most likely less. Not saying thats a low amount cause theres a lot of people playing this game so 5% is already a lot of bot. Once they get rid of the bots, everything will be fine.

I dont think you are in any position to be judging black desert so harshly before the game is even launched yet. Yes you have your opinion and such. but telling KarlNox to go waste his time creating a character that will look like everyone elsem telling him to waste money on a game that will flop and teling him to waste time grinding on a game thats already dead is complete nonsense. I was on ur side at first but now ur acting as if you can tell the future of the game. I love blade and soul more than anything but you dont see me ripping on another game before its even out or before i even played it my self.stop speaking as if you know everything about black desert and its future because you dont. If people want to spend money onit let them. Its their money. I think ur blinded by ur own biased opinion and ur scared that blade and soul will lose players to black desert which it will. Deal with it

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Just now, plasticmemories said:

I dont think you are in any position to be judging black desert so harshly before the game is even launched yet. Yes you have your opinion and such. but telling KarlNox to go waste his time creating a character that will look like everyone elsem telling him to waste money on a game that will flop and teling him to waste time grinding on a game thats already dead is complete nonsense. I was on ur side at first but now ur acting as if you can tell the future of the game. I love blade and soul more than anything but you dont see me ripping on another game before its even out or before i even played it my self.stop speaking as if you know everything about black desert and its future because you dont. If people want to spend money onit let them. Its their money. I think ur blinded by ur own biased opinion and ur scared that blade and soul will lose players to black desert which it will. Deal with it

Lmaoooo why would i be scared when i know this game won't flop unlike your shitty Shit Desert lol. If you like it so much, by all means, try it and watch the game die within the first month. I can't tell you the future but i can tell you when a game is shit which is what Black Desert is going to be.

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1 minute ago, Artillis said:

I remember at one point WoW having a bot / gold farmer issue back in the day.  Not sure how they dealt with it though.


I don't know either.  But the bot situation has been rather good for about a year or so now - since before WoD launch at least.

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2 minutes ago, plasticmemories said:

blade and soul will lose players to black desert which it will.




It's inevitable. If BDO is not IP blocked against SEA, I would have moved there, or at least take a long peek. Despite it's being a B2P.

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20 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

Lmaoo it seems you're still butthurt about this so if you think i'm wrong, go and invest everything you got on failures like Black Desert. Go waste hours upon hours making your character only to find out everyone else looks just like you. Go do your infinite grinding and than realize the game is already dead by than. Go ahead kid but don't cry when it flops and don't say i didn't warn you. You're probably not smart enough to realize a bad mmorpg in the first place tho so its ok.

I dont play black desert, in fact I dont like it. Archeage is a better sandbox mmo imo, I play that.

When I first posted I was just speaking for the sake of variety, in other words for argument's sake, in the most simplistic terms from an unbiased standpoint.

The only stupid move I made where mmos are concerned is spending money on bns in its still infantile stage, the same stage you're at now.  

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1 minute ago, TopDollar said:

Lmaoooo why would i be scared when i know this game won't flop unlike your shitty Shit Desert lol. If you like it so much, by all means, try it and watch the game die within the first month. I can't tell you the future but i can tell you when a game is shit which is what Black Desert is going to be.

When did i ever say i was going to play black desert? When did i say i even liked the game? You just put words into my mouth lmfao. First off i dont like the game that much so hope you feel stupid.. second unlike my shitty shit game? How old are you 13?..as stated before i dont like the game much But i will try it out and see if its any good and maybe spend a few bucks because i can afford it. If black desert flops as you say it will pat ur self on the back lol. 

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3 minutes ago, Rief said:
3 minutes ago, Rief said:




It's inevitable. If BDO is not IP blocked against SEA, I would have moved there, or at least take a long peek. Despite it's being a B2P.



It's inevitable. If BDO is not IP blocked against SEA, I would have moved there, or at least take a long peek. Despite it's being a B2P.

Sure some people would try Black Desert but than they would quickly go back to Blade and Soul or WoW after seeing how shitty it is. Thrash Desert has no endgame except for guide pvp which is a zerg fest. Not to mention the grind in it is much larger than any other mmorpg.

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4 minutes ago, KaLnoX said:

I dont play black desert, in fact I dont like it. Archeage is a better sandbox mmo imo, I play that.

When I first posted I was just speaking for the sake of variety, in other words for argument's sake, in the most simplistic terms from an unbiased standpoint.

The only stupid move I made where mmos are concerned is spending money on bns in its still infantile stage, the same stage you're at now.  

Lmaoooo really Archeage? That is one of the most bootleg games i have ever seen. If you're playing that, might as well go for Black Desert instead as Archeage is a bootleg Black Desert on a major Budget.

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You should 

Just now, TopDollar said:

Lmaoooo really Archeage? That is one of the most bootleg games i have ever seen. If you're playing that, might as well go for Black Desert instead as Archeage is a bootleg Black Desert on a major Budget.

He likes archage thats his preference. Dont rip on him because he likes somthing different than you

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1 minute ago, plasticmemories said:

You should 

He likes archage thats his preference. Dont rip on him because he likes somthing different than you

Archeage looks shitty no matter how open minded i try to be. It looks like complete rubbish. And you just said you were gonna try Black Desert but at the same time, you're saying you're not playing it. Make up your damn mind, no reason to hide from the fact that your gonna play a shitty game along with Kalnox lol.

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1 minute ago, TopDollar said:

Sure some people would try Black Desert but than they would quickly go back to Blade and Soul or WoW after seeing how shitty it is. Thrash Desert has no endgame except for guide pvp which is a zerg fest. Not to mention the grind in it is much larger than any other mmorpg.


I'm interested in its trading system and housing system, also on its taming and breeding system. 

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1 minute ago, Rief said:


I'm interested in its trading system and housing system, also on its taming and breeding system. 

No problem but prepare to spend hundreds of hours just to get a nice looking bed and a faster horse lmaoooo.

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3 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

No problem but prepare to spend hundreds of hours just to get a nice looking bed and a faster horse lmaoooo.


That kinda subjective, don't you think ?


I mean most players talk about how happy they are when they get 10-20 Gold doing 2/3 hours daily ?


Call me jaded, but usually in any MMORPG nowaday, currency can make thing speed up...



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1 minute ago, TopDollar said:

Thats nothing impressive, it just shows you have no life, probably got like 4 lv 45s and play 24/7 to get that much money.


I only got 1 lvl 45. And I did those playing only 1-2 hours daily. Unless 1 week from launch, I admit i was playing like 4-6 hours/day close to launch.


here you go.. 




that above is my main char, my alt is evocado, Jyan Doe, and Jesse Jyansei which is there in the link.


Of course It's possible i have like 10-20 accounts and I lied about how much I play daily (which I can't prove). But, *shrug* honestly, it's not that hard, for me at least.

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9 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

Archeage looks shitty no matter how open minded i try to be. It looks like complete rubbish. And you just said you were gonna try Black Desert but at the same time, you're saying you're not playing it. Make up your damn mind, no reason to hide from the fact that your gonna play a shitty game along with Kalnox lol.


12 minutes ago, TopDollar said:

Shitty game this shitty game that lmfao. You really should fill out that butthurt form :) because you clearly are and the people on black desert forums will love you. You should tell them your opinion too. Im sure they will agree with you 100% :)

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3 minutes ago, Rief said:


Lol... nope. Never spend even a dime on those loser.

All those are done legitimately, without too much effort in game.


But, this is derailing.

What I'm trying to say is, even if it is probably totally grindy inside a game for you, IT might not be for everyone else.

Even if it's hard and not fun for you, it might not be for everyone else.


Like i said, for the sake of variety....

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Its funny how he made this post assuming everyone is just going to straight up agree with him just because its on a blade and soul forum. No ones applauding you buddy .you only make ur self and other blade and soul fans look bad. Its people like you that bring toxicity to great games like this :) you are no better than the bots and gold sellers on this game. Infact ur a lot worse and im sure all those botter/gold sellers are far more intelligent than you are now or will ever be 

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