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Pvp Beans!


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Dear NcSoft,


You should listen carefully to players. Even in my 3v3 battles, we see abnormal actions (more spinnings, very fact reactions, extreme double or triple actions when a normal player never can do it. You can see it's not normal. Using external scripts to win te battles.


I recommened strongly monitor ALL arena matches, to see strange actions.
We can make videos and post them as proof, but you should monitor them more carefully 24/7 because:

- we lose gold / diamond rank thanks to bots.
- we get wrong stats (win / loss ratio) thanks to bots.
- we will go lower in pvp rankings thanks to bots.
- we get less beans, which bots gets more and more beans? Absolutely wrong.

- Bots will throw soulstones on market and will spoil the market price, it goes more and more down. Less profit for real players, but for bots doesn't matter, its easy gold.

- Because ~20% arena matches are with bots (even some players can group by accident with bots and wins easy - sure YOU can win, but you don't realize you're helping bots, so don't fight with bots - stay neutral on lose - that is fair) more players will not enter arenas. Why? Because they will lose gold or diamond rank.

- Thanks to bots, the PVP rankings are now untrustable. The Tournament rankings are also INVALID due bots. It's not more fair battle.
This must stopped quick as possible. No weeks later.


You cannot give prizes for now because it's invalid and unfair tournament. You should stop the tournament until bots are banned.

Do you read this? Prizes are nice, but they are only for fair play not for illegal play. They should punished fully with all soulstones they just won.
It's like justice will make criminals empty = all money and items taken in / destroyed.


(Also this goes for Moonwater quartz, the market is also broken - they are now very expensive.)

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