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Assassin combo training?


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I just started playing B&S a few days ago, and have been enjoying the Assassin. I have a few of the combos down, but I feel there are some that i'm not doing correctly. Is there combo training in the game once Hajoon is done? Or can anyone recommend a good guide to help learn combos correctly.


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Most of the combos that Hajoon teaches you become obsoleted. First off, always make sure you have Heart Stab specced for Tier 4 Stage 1.

  • Stealth Openers:
    • Turning Leaf (Tab) -> Shadow Dash (1).
    • Windwalk (Run, glide, etc.) -> Blink Step (RMB).
    • Poison Breath (4) -> Hook Kick (Tab) -> Time Bomb (2).
  • Combos:
    • Lightning Build (Stealth): Heart Stab (RMB) -> Lightning Crash (F) or Lightning Pierce (F, Dark Strike spec) -> Lightning Rod (4, Tier 3 Stage 3) -> Repeat -> ~1 stealth duration, Shadow Drain (1, Cyclone Sweep spec) -> Repeat RMB/F/4 Combo -> Shadowless Step (3, Tier 2 Stage 1) -> Repeat RMB/F/4 Combo -> Backstep (SS) -> Shadow Dash (1) -> Repeat RMB/F/4 Combo -> Repeat while alternating Shadow Drain, Shadowless Step, and Backstep.
      • Throw Set Landmine (Z, Landmine spec), Throwing Dagger (X), and Poison Breath to stack poison whenever possible.
      • If 5 poison stacks are possible, slap Time Bomb.
      • If the boss needs two stuns or as soon as you throw Shadow Drain and while Shadowless Step is off cooldown, throw in Spinal Tap (LMB) right between F and 4 to reduce Shadow Drain cooldown. If the boss needs one stun, throw Spinal Tap before Backstepping.
    • Dark Build (Out of Stealth): Heart Stab/Venom Pierce (RMB) -> Mist Slash (LMB) -> Dark Strike (F)
      • Throw Set Landmine, Venom Slash (3, Shadow Slash Tier 5 Stage 4), and Poison Breath whenever possible.
      • In stealth, throw Throwing Dagger and then use Lightning Rod (Tier 3, Stage 2) to dish out huge damage while popping out of stealth.
      • Dark Build is currently not optimal since it relies heavily on 5 poison stacks, and we currently lack reliable ways to build poison with Venom Pierce and Venom Slash being inaccessible (Venom Pierce is a locked skill in Mist Slash tree, while Venom Slash is supposed to be obtainable but its glitched).
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One good tip Teldo gives is to use a lower tier weapon to practice with.   Since everything scales off your weapon, you can use low-risk mobs as training dummies.  Assassins are a lot less forgiving of mistakes than other classes I've, so practicing is a good idea.

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On 3/1/2016 at 6:11 AM, rocdog said:

 Assassins are a lot less forgiving of mistakes than other classes I've, so practicing is a good idea.

Except at endgame where bosses have True Sight left and right, Mushin Floor 8 for example.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/1/2016 at 8:11 AM, rocdog said:

One good tip Teldo gives is to use a lower tier weapon to practice with.   Since everything scales off your weapon, you can use low-risk mobs as training dummies.  Assassins are a lot less forgiving of mistakes than other classes I've, so practicing is a good idea.

This is very smart. thank you ^^

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Just started a assassin the other day enjoying the fact it's a 2-3 hit killer in PVE my big thing though (been searching forums and BNS tree for skill builds in infinite stealth) is there a way to go stealth before the combat even begins? I've seen some do it when I'm on my FM they just poof. I've looked in the tree (I may of missed it hence why I'm asking) so is there a skill we build into to go right into stealth without having to use 1 or decoy? Is it smoke smoke screen?

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11 minutes ago, Taki84 said:

Just started a assassin the other day enjoying the fact it's a 2-3 hit killer in PVE my big thing though (been searching forums and BNS tree for skill builds in infinite stealth) is there a way to go stealth before the combat even begins? I've seen some do it when I'm on my FM they just poof. I've looked in the tree (I may of missed it hence why I'm asking) so is there a skill we build into to go right into stealth without having to use 1 or decoy? Is it smoke smoke screen?


On 27.2.2016 at 7:35 AM, Shadovvv said:


  • Stealth Openers:
    • Turning Leaf (Tab) -> Shadow Dash (1).
    • Windwalk (Run, glide, etc.) -> Blink Step (RMB).
    • Poison Breath (4) -> Hook Kick (Tab) -> Time Bomb (2).


Or you can use smokescreen like you said, but i dont know if it's worth the skillpoints.

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My 2 cents :

- Tab + 1                =  TP + dash stealth

- RMB+F                = DPS

- LMB                    = stun

- (LMB + RMB)x2  = anicancel DPS

- F                          = DPS + "daze"

- 4                          = poison

- Tab                      = stealth

- RMB+F                = DPS

- 4                          = stun

- (LMB + RMB)x2  = anicancel DPS

- X                          = bomb

- 1                          = dash stealth (you need to turn on the ennemy back when you trigger the bomb

- 3 + go back         = daze and prepare the rope

- LMB                    = rope

- V                          = stun + pull the ennemy

- (LMB + RMB)x2  = anicancel DPS

- Tab + 1                = ennemy on the air + DPS

- Tab                      = web

- 4                          = poison

- 1                          = dash stealth

- repeat and adapt from step 2


This combo is HARD to achieve (at least for me), you have to bait all the ennemy escape in order to do hight damage. This combo is virtually infinite, you can repeat it as long as your ennemy can't escape.


P.S : this is the combo I try to master currently. If there's a plat+ assassin, I'd like to have his thought on it :)

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