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What the hell.. I can't turn left


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Well I can but it looks very weird when I'm doing it. Here is what happens:


Whenever I try to turn left with my mouse I'm turning really slow. It looks like fps lag but it isn't because my fps stays the same. My mouse pointer becomes visible for a moment and the arrow from the minimap (the one with the dots at the bottom left of the minimap.) becomes visible too. It's not really a problem in pve but it get's really annoying in pvp.


After a while I noticed that this happens when my mouse pointer reaches the far left of my laptop screen and it can not move further. 


I don't have a problem turning right though.


Can anyone help me out? I've tried playing in fullscreen and windowed mode. In happens in both.

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  • I am having the same issue but it seems to happen both ways (worse when going left though). I noticed when I turn my mouse movement speed down it happens less but its still very irritating. Seems to be a somewhat common problem probably with windows 10 users I am not sure yet. Nobody seems to have a solution yet that I am aware of. Its acting like the mouse is going off the screen so it screws up my turns bad. I posted about this a week or so ago with no responses and have seen other posts with no solutions.
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I had a similar problem.  After scouring the internet, I found that it can either be an antivirus program or anything that encrypts your keystrokes.  You have to disable whatever program is responsible for the encryption and you should be able to move normally in game again.  In my case it was Keyscrambler.  Hope this helps! 

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