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1 minute ago, Teffy said:

Do you have 3 attack/200 life steal? I doubt so,do you have 5 attack / 100 life drain on kd/stun enemies? I doubt so.Do you have enough gold to buy 35 attack gem? I doubt so.Do you have 2k gold prepared for stingers/moonstones/soul pieces/HM book part 1 & 2(Yeti & Nightmare) ? I doubt so. Do you have 300-500 Grandpa balls before price jump to the sky like in TW(From some silver to 10g per ball)? I doubt so.


There hint for you all.

I dont have those gems because i've been preparing to get legendary. I've more than enough gold to get legendary started  and if i needed something then it would keep me doing stuff longer and more. Its not something that i really wish to get its something that i would get it

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4 minutes ago, Teffy said:

Do you have 3 attack/200 life steal? I doubt so,do you have 5 attack / 100 life drain on kd/stun enemies? I doubt so.Do you have enough gold to buy 35 attack gem? I doubt so.Do you have 2k gold prepared for stingers/moonstones/soul pieces/HM book part 1 & 2(Yeti & Nightmare) ? I doubt so. Do you have 300-500 Grandpa balls before price jump to the sky like in TW(From some silver to 10g per ball)? I doubt so.


There hint for you all.


Atleast if god have mercy we would be able to farm medals from junghado and second clone in mushin.This medals in TW was 50g each.

I think that's one of the big reasons they are also taking their sweet time with the pve on the west, because most west players ain't got time foo that, they kinda admitted to it on the stream with the leg weapons, so plz guys just chill it's an MMO it's suppose to take time.

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7 minutes ago, Avatari said:

I dont have those gems because i've been preparing to get legendary. I've more than enough gold to get legendary started  and if i needed something then it would keep me doing stuff longer and more. Its not something that i really wish to get its something that i would get it


You have enough gold to buy 500-600 mushin medals and 300-400 souls from terrors??? OOOOKKK.And of course about 3-4k soul stones.And surprice thats not even to max it out but to get to stage in which the Leg is getting decent.

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@Eska " Sorry to dissapoint You mate, already seen videos about hitting max level in abt 1-2 days ;)


I said 'leisurely' for a reason. I know people power-level in every game, including here. Has no bearing on my own pace, though. In BDO, hitting cap by grinding mob-pools is easier but means you are by-passing the rest of the game, which is HUGE. Being at soft-cap alone only means you have a number next to your name... it doesn't equate to anything else the game has or needs... gear levels, stat-state, pvp, horse-breeding skills etc etc etc ad nauseum...


I think you may be over-cooking your egg, too... I don't know of anyone that hit soft-cap in the four days of CBT2. Not saying it's not possible, as it is (according to vids I've seen from Korea/RU)... but I never saw anyone at soft-cap nor heard of them nor read of them on the forums. I know a guild that was aiming for it, just to test the system out... but no-one managed it afaik.


Besides... I'm comparing like to like... my own game-pace to my own game-pace and all I'm saying is that because there is so much more to do in BDO, the game will have a longer shelf-life - for ME - than here. Is all.

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Oh, for crying out loud!


I agree that comparing BnS to BDO is sort of pointless, because both games are quite different from each other, and they target different audiences. 


But 99% of the BnS apologists that make statements about BDO don't know WTF they're talking about.  I have played both games, and I can tell you that most of the shyte I'm hearing from overly sensitive BnS fanboiz is off the charts in how short-sighted and plain wrong they are.  Case in point: Denigrating BDO because it somehow is lacking in "content" is more than a little hypocritical coming for someone defending BnS.  BDO is a different type of game, one that places emphasis on sand-boxing.  It is truly open-world with a bare minimum of instancing, heavily emphasizing crafting and "extracurricular" skill development. As such it is highly geared towards true role-playing. BnS, on the other hand is far, far less RPG than it is a multiplayer fighting game, more akin to Tekken, Street Fighter and DOA than to a true MMORPG. You are right if you say it has a story, which appeals to some (but I found to be 'meh'), but it's really nothing to brag about, certainly not any better than you'd see in a AAA standalone fighter.  


Don't get me wrong: I specifically am drawn to games because of their lore and their story; it's one of their chief attractions in my book (no pun intended).  And honestly, I was a little worried knowing what I did about BDO before going into it.  But the thing about BDO is that it is set up not entirely as an on-rails linear plotline, but as one that allows players to write their own narrative.  Seen in that light, it is much more receptive to role-playing.  BnS all but discourages RP, to be honest.  Let me amend that: RP is possible in BnS, yes, but it is far from encouraged.


As such, most players in love with BnS are not naturally going to enjoy a game like BDO, as they will complain about the end-game and totally miss the point about building up skills outside of combat abilities.  That's not to say BDO lacks in combat gameplay, far from it.  BDO does indeed have an action-based combat system, one that even features combos, similar to BnS though implemented differently.  The difference is that BDO does not have to rely solely on combat to be an enjoyable game, and as such is balanced differently in its gameplay. Combat is all we have in BnS.


So I am far less worried about end-game in BDO than I am in BnS.


Back to the main point.  I can understand why some of you are so uptight about hearing about BDO or any other game being mentioned, because you're just insecure about your pet MMO.  I advise you to calm down, breath, take a chill-pill and realize, in the case between BnS and BDO in particular, that the audiences are quite different — and where they might overlap, the numbers are so low that neither MMO has much to fear from the other.  This rivalry is more than pointless.



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And what exactly is BDO that we didn't seen in the past 15 years?

Part of this game,part of that game....some fancy graphic that 80% of the people will struggle to run on ther ancient AM3+/1155 socket...

Sieges are none sense from what I have seen.Pure bullshit.Ol' Lin 2 sieges > BDO.Ol' l2 world bosses(Anthy,Zaken,Valakas,Tezza,AQ,Baium) > BDO any day,any time.

What else we have? Fishing....perhaps carrot planting too? Maybe wood gathering and other useless things? Oh wait house decoration....if someone is so much into it I`ll give you my adress to re-decorate my house np.

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Are you basing your pre-conceived notions of BDO based on you-tube videos and Twitch streams?  Because you really have to understand that that never touches more than the tip of the iceberg, for just about any game that might be featured.  Would you judge everything you now enjoy about BnS on a fifteen minute play-through someone posted to You-tube?  Honestly?


I'm going to suggest to you the same thing that you'd tell a BDO fan who had never seriously played BnS before actually commenting upon it: unless you like demonstrating your ignorance, STFU until you get more actual knowledge. 


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9 minutes ago, Teffy said:

And what exactly is BDO that we didn't seen in the past 15 years?

Part of this game,part of that game....some fancy graphic that 80% of the people will struggle to run on ther ancient AM3+/1155 socket...

Sieges are none sense from what I have seen.Pure bullshit.Ol' Lin 2 sieges > BDO.Ol' l2 world bosses(Anthy,Zaken,Valakas,Tezza,AQ,Baium) > BDO any day,any time.

What else we have? Fishing....perhaps carrot planting too? Maybe wood gathering and other useless things? Oh wait house decoration....if someone is so much into it I`ll give you my adress to re-decorate my house np.


Hahahahaha. With an extra slice of ha.

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Actually I have watched PVP from BDO....people chase each other with some lame pistols and hack en slash+potions to the victory(so much skill required for that I have to admit.....lol).

World bosses remind me of Aion siege bossess....fat chicken on XXXX milion HP and you zerg it down like full tard....lol much fun.

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14 minutes ago, Metamancer said:

Oh, for crying out loud!


I agree that comparing BnS to BDO is sort of pointless, because both games are quite different from each other, and they target different audiences. 


But 99% of the BnS apologists that make statements about BDO don't know WTF they're talking about.  I have played both games, and I can tell you that most of the shyte I'm hearing from overly sensitive BnS fanboiz is off the charts in how short-sighted and plain wrong they are.  Case in point: Denigrating BDO because it somehow is lacking in "content" is more than a little hypocritical coming for someone defending BnS.  BDO is a different type of game, one that places emphasis on sand-boxing.  It is truly open-world with a bare minimum of instancing, heavily emphasizing crafting and "extracurricular" skill development. As such it is highly geared towards true role-playing. BnS, on the other hand is far, far less RPG than it is a multiplayer fighting game, more akin to Tekken, Street Fighter and DOA than to a true MMORPG. You are right if you say it has a story, which appeals to some (but I found to be 'meh'), but it's really nothing to brag about, certainly not any better than you'd see in a AAA standalone fighter. 



At the end of the day, there's no difference between MMO endgames. You can talk about "sandboxing" all you want but it's just another form of grind. Instead of grinding the same dungeons and dailies every day, you go farming or walk back and forth between 2 towns for hours trading or whatever else it is you can do. For most people, it's going to be just as boring once they hit level cap and they will be complaining about it too within a month. I played Archeage. Sandboxing really isn't that exciting. As monotonous as it is to do the same dungeons every day, at least you are seeing some action. It beats farming, woodcutting and walking around every day.

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1 minute ago, Saidou said:



True thats why I did one maybe.Not sure if I did even one here.Thats not my cup of tea.


But even blackwyrm is more fun then that fat chicken I watched in some youtube.Atleast the dragon each 24 second do aoe and you have to run/Iframe it.

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2 minutes ago, Astrohawke said:

At the end of the day, there's no difference between MMO endgames. You can talk about "sandboxing" all you want but it's just another form of grind. Instead of grinding the same dungeons and dailies every day, you go farming or walk back and forth between 2 towns for hours trading or whatever else it is you can do. For most people, it's going to be just as boring once they hit level cap and they will be complaining about it too within a month. I played Archeage. Sandboxing really isn't that exciting. As monotonous as it is to do the same dungeons every day, at least you are seeing some action. It beats farming, woodcutting and walking around every day.

And you're sort of making my point at the same time.  You don't find crafting and sandbox gameplay all that appealing.  (And it's not like action suddenly becomes entirely impossible for BDO either at end-game.  Plus there's GvG.). But as the saying goes: different strokes for different folks.  Hence, BDO and BnS are geared towards different audiences.

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2 minutes ago, Teffy said:

Sandbox elements....

So should I just buy a house in the mountain and start planting my own carrots and perhaps buy few sheeps and guard dog...


... or just mash the same buttons over and over and pretend I'm superior?

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Just now, Eska said:

I mean, sandbox elements are somewhat cool, i would love to have possibility to have my own house in bns tho.

Pain is, instanced houses aint fun - dont like it that way.

I agree about the instancing, but in an MMO that offers housing as a significant perk, I can see why it's necessary.  Or else the real estate becomes so darn expensive that none but the very few get a chance to participate in it, which would defeat the purpose.


In FFXiV, they are talking about introducing a form of instanced housing in an upcoming release, which would open that up to more players. Right now, it's very limited due to the large and increasing population of veteran players.

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Just now, Safka said:


Nah. I'm too busy with my carrots. Apparently.


Good I'm busy myself to press all my buttons and try to trick someone to combo him on my FM in arena.Thats what I do when I'm bored and my friends are not around to do some dung.

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6 minutes ago, Metamancer said:

And you're sort of making my point at the same time.  You don't find crafting and sandbox gameplay all that appealing.  (And it's not like action suddenly becomes entirely impossible for BDO either at end-game.  Plus there's GvG.). But as the saying goes: different strokes for different folks.  Hence, BDO and BnS are geared towards different audiences.

I'm saying no gameplay is that exciting if you are doing the same things every day. Do you think it's super fun for me doing poh/bsh dailies every day? Or farming brightstone for the 500th time? But it's an MMO. You kind of should know what you're getting into from the start and BDO will be no different. Sandboxing doesn't mean it's not going to be just as monotonous. If the complaint here is that there's nothing to do even when they are releasing content basically every 2-4 weeks, the same people will be complaining in BDO in no time especially when they don't see any content updates for 3-6 months.

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