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2nd march patch summary


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Just stop it with the whole BDO dung already.

Who wants to leave BnS and play BDO is free to do so and frankly i encourage it, why stay here if you think bdo is better. just go.


As for soulshields, we will still get the mushin tower floor 8 ones (purple).

plus the costumes from naruy labyrint look really nice.

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1 minute ago, Grimoir said:

Just stop it with the whole BDO dung already.

Who wants to leave BnS and play BDO is free to do so and frankly i encourage it, why stay here if you think bdo is better. just go.


As for soulshields, we will still get the mushin tower floor 8 ones (purple).

plus the costumes from naruy labyrint look really nice.

Soulshields takes 1 day to get and costumes few days at max so yeah so much to do that im so im jumping due hapiness wohoo.

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Just now, Avatari said:

Soulshields takes 1 day to get and costumes few days at max so yeah so much to do that im so im jumping due hapiness wohoo.


Then why are you here? if you are bored you are free to leave and play something else?

Just because something is boring for you doesnt mean its the same for others.


There are no chains holding you.

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3 minutes ago, Grimoir said:


Then why are you here? if you are bored you are free to leave and play something else?

Just because something is boring for you doesnt mean its the same for others.


There are no chains holding you.

So according to you players who have already everything has no rights to rise their voices when they dont get more to do? kk

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32 minutes ago, Avatari said:

Theres more than enough ways its your problem if you lack skill to do them.


Doing arena 1v1 and being good actually in it can get you about 4k zen beans in 3 hours. Lets say you're at platinum thats 80 soulstones per day.

With 30s ea price its 24g per day. Its been what 3 weeks now?`So its 480gs just alone from that.


If you're summoner or Sin you could've soloed ruins for 2 months now with doing 70s to 1.5g per run + potter recipe +30gs. In 2 months if player did every day ruins for 3hours with 10min clear time (5 runs per hour) with avarage 1g per run player would've made 900gs + merry potters which is most likely about 10-20 so its from 300-600gs.


Getting small amount cash and playing with market can make hundreds of gold per day just by watching market


So your problem is you're slacker who wishes to get everything for free?



Stop exaggerating. First of all, the game hasn't been out 2 months, just a bit over 1 month. Second of all, all those prices that you are listing is what you get right now after 1+ month of inflation, not if you did it from day 1. I highly doubt you did any of those things 3hrs a day every day for a month to get your proclaimed 3k gold so stop suggesting that's what people should be doing if they want to make gold.


Making hundreds of gold per day on the market is also a wild exaggeration. There isn't a single item on the market that fluctuates enough day to day to make hundreds of gold especially given marketplace sales restrictions.


There are only 2 types of people right now who have a ton of gold. People who bought gold and people who got lucky early on and made bank with refiners/moonwater trans stones then snowballed that gold.

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5 minutes ago, Avatari said:

So according to you players who have already everything has no rights to rise their voices when they dont get more to do? kk


Nope not saying that, but i am saying that you shouldnt look at yourself because you got everything, others dont, some may even have 1-2 hours to play daily because they arent as "fortunate" like others.

The game is what you make of it, you can have amazing fun without any content updates if you have a nice clan and friends to play with.





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7 minutes ago, Saidou said:


Ok, ok, there is nothing good beside BNS now, we get it.



I never said bns was good either, now did I? What im saying is that when i played BDO, it didnt even come close. All it had was eye candy graphics.

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1 hour ago, Arohk said:

if you buy tons of gold , have no job and have to play 20 hours a day to get every bit of content the game has to offer as fast as possible it is probably your own fault.

to be frank u no need to buy tons of gold. just by dailys itself u already get 10g +- and of coz needless to say u earn those crafting etc.

Also i wont denied the fact that i bought alot of ncoin to buy gold.

Currently now Premium rank 10. Not to showing say that i am p2w. cause till now NCsoft does not produce anything to make u p2w.

You saying we get every bit of content the game has to offer and its our fault? hmmm i dont think so, till now i only complete BSH one time due to the fact we as a working adult we dont have much time to play. 


Of course one of my enjoyment is to watch my character grow. But it seems like nothing is growing from the new patch.


Last of all please dont argue in here, each and every individual has different kind of thoughts. Be kind, Be forgiving cause no one is prefect. Thank you

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1 hour ago, Astrohawke said:

Stop exaggerating. First of all, the game hasn't been out 2 months, just a bit over 1 month. Second of all, all those prices that you are listing is what you get right now after 1+ month of inflation, not if you did it from day 1. I highly doubt you did any of those things 3hrs a day every day for a month to get your proclaimed 3k gold so stop suggesting that's what people should be doing if they want to make gold.


Making hundreds of gold per day on the market is also a wild exaggeration. There isn't a single item on the market that fluctuates enough day to day to make hundreds of gold especially given marketplace sales restrictions.


There are only 2 types of people right now who have a ton of gold. People who bought gold and people who got lucky early on and made bank with refiners/moonwater trans stones then snowballed that gold.

You're right games been for month and half now. But it still does not change the fact everyone had chance of getting everything with 3 hours daily gameplay.


I just calculated everything really fast so yeah they're bit off but it still shows that players can get more than enough money if they just spent their time wisely.

Also you're saying i wasnt doing this from first days? After i dinged to lvl 45 it took me day to reach point where i was farming ruins under 14 minutes after while it went below 10 minutes and now im doing it in 6-7minutes so yeah absolutely was possible


1 hour ago, Grimoir said:


Nope not saying that, but i am saying that you shouldnt look at yourself because you got everything, others dont, some may even have 1-2 hours to play daily because they arent as "fortunate" like others.

The game is what you make of it, you can have amazing fun without any content updates if you have a nice clan and friends to play with.





You do realise that legendary was not meant for everyone. Players who had no time or willing to do it was meant to upgrade their hongmoon to max and those who had everything already would move to next stage. Now those who got everything has nothing to do due Ncsoft idiotic decision.


Overall legendary is not huge improvement over true pirate. final stages are clearly better but at first its weaker than true pirate and cost of upgrading it is huge so in generally speaking lazyasses would not stand chance of getting it.

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3 hours ago, Avatari said:

Where did i ever support p2w option? Nowhere. They had weeks/months to think about how to replace certain parts of evolving it.


Im done because i spent 2 months preparing for legendary and now im not getting it. I've everything fully updraded. thousands of gold and i've prepared everything i can just to get the damn weapon and now everything been wasted seriously thanks. Next patch i've nothing to do thanks to this bullshit so yeah why wouldnt i be done? Maybe ill just buy BDO which i've no interest at all but atleast i might find something to do

Since you are leaving, can I have your stuff?

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43 minutes ago, SGpoorGirl said:

Also i wont denied the fact that i bought alot of ncoin to buy gold. kind, Be forgiving cause no one is prefect. Thank you


you just paid a taxi to finish a marathon, now you complain the race was too short while other still struggle to reach the goal.

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In 3h you can easly do your arena and misty daillies plus spam dungeons for gold.If you have people to farm with bsh 4 spam >24 dungeons daillies.Also I bought 600-700 perfumes when they was 3-4 silver.Now I just re-sell all of them on 50 silver.I knew price will increase.

Last week we dropped 2x sin,1xfm,1xsumm,1xbd skill books from BSH.The BD run alone put in my pocket fresh 92 gold.


I'm happy with bns and I don't know a single person in my fr/clan list that will abandon bns for this thing bdo or whatever.

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4 minutes ago, Avatari said:

Dont know what im going to do with my stuff. Most likely ill just delete my account and rofl. Have to think a bit before doing anything that i might regret


Oh, if you give them to me, you won't regret, you will be helping a fellow soul and you will feel satisfied!!!

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29 minutes ago, Arohk said:


you just paid a taxi to finish a marathon, now you complain the race was too short while other still struggle to reach the goal.

Not that i am complaining. Everyone will reach there at some point. Just the matter of how you get there. Yes i am paying a taxi to get there, but that doesn't mean u wont get there without your hardwork. Its all purely depend how u look at it. The end result all will get what they want


and also would not it be better if the content is longer? Just a question i wanna ask everyone

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Just now, Minity said:

are they going to nerf BD, Summoners and destr? cuz that is already killing the playerbase right now


Why they have to? I had very big problems myself vs summoners as FM.Someone gived me a tip what to do against them and since then I lost 1 vs summoners(and I have summoners everyday in arena).I would say nerf sins and KFM since they are giving me the hard time in arena(FM here).Dat hide in the corners throwing poison bombs for 3 mins is much worse then any of the 3 classes you mentioned.

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I did the same damn thing everyday meaning the daylis the arenas got like 2k or 4k per day of beans and still i am at true siren weapon, siren accesories, pirate bracelet, siren belt, care to show me how you did more money than me? which i did the exact same thing you did in the exact time frame we played, from the begining of this game in eu/na.

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2 minutes ago, 846528_1452550167 said:

I did the same damn thing everyday meaning the daylis the arenas got like 2k or 4k per day of beans and still i am at true siren weapon, siren accesories, pirate bracelet, siren belt, care to show me how you did more money than me? which i did the exact same thing you did in the exact time frame we played, from the begining of this game in eu/na.


he already said he spent hundreds of dollars for ncoins and changed them into gold..somehow.

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