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Trouble fighting ranged classes. Looking for advice


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I've been playing FM Ice Rain build in arena at 1600 range and the only things I've lost to are Summoner and Force Master. The Summoner just pins me with the cat and none of my escapes are available and with the FM somehow they kept hitting me through Divine Veil which makes no sense to me. Does anyone have any helpful tips? (that aren't switch to fire build)

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As another FM...don't use the Ice Rain build.  I will keep you frozen and stunlocked indefinitely unless you freeze me enough times that I'm out of dashes and you can get out of my line of sight.  Plus, I'll just pop defensives whenever I see you drop a Cold Snap and start launching off your Ice Rain spam and you've got nothing left after that.  Whenever you're spamming Ice Rain, you're not freezing me.  It puts you at a disadvantage where I'll double air combo you and dump nearly as much burst but while having way more control.  It's not about ice vs fire build.  Those are for PvE.  You can't spam fire OR ice skills in higher ranked PvP because you'll get locked down if you try.  PvP revolves around freezing and using Impact to stun, Dragonchar with the Daze for roll chasing, etc.

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