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BNS Became P2W !


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So maybe this will be the most contradicting topic that people can talk about.   ( Currency Exchange ) 


What does Pay 2 Win mean ? In my opinion I really do think that people who have money to waste on games have a major uplift to the game. 

Nowadays you can buy with 8GBP around 12-15 Gold maybe even more. 


The currency Exchange shouldn't have ever been invented or released. 

Why I am saying this ? Well let's say somebody puts in 1000 GBP just to buy GOLD they will be able to get most of the items Evolved to MAX with full gems and what not .  When other people have to spend in weeks maybe months in game for them to achieve that stage creating alts and what not. 


At this point I really don't think that there is any point of playing this game. All it asks from us is our Money , and if we don't give them that you'll have to grind ur lazy ass every day doing the same shit every day to get a couple gold to evolve your Weapon. 


At the beginning of the game I was really enjoying every little or big aspect of BNS. But now my heart is broken and can say that the developers have done the worse mistake ever. 


i would want to know what you guys think about this Pay To Win Model.  Maybe some of you don't think its P2W but its convenience.  Convenience is when you have more inventory space, more EXP , Thats what the premium membership is for , but when you can EXCHANGE Real Life money for money in game that for me is PAY TO WIN. 


I think I made my point clear. 

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Pay to win means those who pay will always beat the *cricket* out of those who don't.

But world PvP doesn't matter, 1vs1/3vs3 arena gives equal equipment and in dungeons you can start the hardest ones without paying pretty quickly (they're not behind any paywall).

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World PVP does matter, you get all pirate items and see how HUGE of a differance it . Arena is bull shit I don't like it at all too op Classes summoner and destroyer. Also the Dungeons with full Siren and full gems you will finish them Solo which even more advantage there :)


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I pay gold for hongmoon coins, so yeah, totally pay2win.

Butt also buying gold doesn't increase your arena ranking, so you are not really winning by spending money.

If you enjoy the game, why do you care so much about other people spending irl money on it? Jelly much? Those same people earlier bought gold from gold selling bots, and back then it wasn't a problem for you? You think this is a new thing and happened just now cuz of NCSosft's idea on how to screw gold sellers?


OP, pls.


/EDIT: Also pay2win means that you can get for irl money way better things that will never drop for non-paying players.

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I have yet to see how this game is P2W, normally when one things of P2W you think of money offering huge advantages. The currency exchange offers gold for Ncoin which as we know Ncoin is utterly useless as it gives you primarily cosmetic items, and basic items that are easily obtained in game. anything that gives players advantages can only be obtained in game and most are purple and so untradeable/sellable. 


The only advantage buying gold does is allow a player to upgrade their weapon and jewelry faster then those that don't. Yes grinding dailies gets boring but they are good money and it really does not take that long to farm gold.. not after reaching 45 and unlocking faction quests. 

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  • CURRENCY EXCHANGE CAME IN RESPONSE TO ALL THOSE WHO POST N CHAT SELL GOLD FOR MONEY?  either wway its all abt the wway u get item and its not pay to win since u get also hongmoon coins hich can make u get costume from cash shop or other stuff, so please spare us your P2W assumption.
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Okay.. at first it seems the Currency Exchange is the current BnS devil.. but look closely to the changes it made:

- It made the bot life a lot harder because now people will resort to the Currency Exchange instead of the meanie bots;

- It gave you the possibility to buy items from the store without spending any money for it. To note, I have money to buy items from the store but I find it more challenging to just get the gold and feel the effort in getting the gold in game and sell it for Hongmoon Coins. So not all players will spend 1000 GBP to top up.. those usually are too newbies to play this game anyway.

- It gave a new way for NCSoft to get more money.. since other players are paying the items you want trading for gold. You guys need to know that money needs to come from somewhere and i doubt just cosmetic selling will make enough money for NCSoft.. to be honest there isn't much stuff in the store which sounds appealing to me.


So, seeing this statements I don't think its a P2W game.

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Funny to see how people keep saying this game is P2W, you haven't gotten a single clue on what a P2W game really is. And I can tell you it is scary. The game become P2W is when a certain items giving you extra stats/bonuses like crit damage/chance/attack power/defense/etc... that can only be obtained in one way which is through a cash shop system. That is when the pay player become pay to win player and hence why the game would be called that way. 


The thing you described is not even P2W, it is one factor to counter the gold seller. In fact, the currency exchange right now is even higher price that what the gold sellers is selling for. With or without the currency exchange, people still buy gold and get ahead of you in their gear. 

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you guys don't no what p2w is realy 


this game dont have a upgrade system to let your weapons be + 1 to lets say + 15 


like Vindictus or Aika ore any pefect world mmorpg games 


also those games sell things in cash shop to get a better succes rate to upgrade your weapons 

so for FP2 users its very hard to get a full + 15 gear with out the cash shop items 

and mostly your weapen can break to ad lets say + 10 and again the cash shop sell items so your weapon will not break 


only for ubber rich players will walk with ubber gear that is P2W 

i don't see it here every 1 can upgrade there weapon easy 


maybe ad the end you need more gold but if you play smart you can do that to 


so for me this game is not P2W 


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I suppose my definition of P2W is different. I don't consider the game P2W at all. Definitely pay for convenience, but almost every mmo out there has some element of pay for convenience. P2W is something I will only tack onto a game if there are specific game changing items that can only be obtained through paying money, whether that be gear, stats, content, etc. 

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P2W game out there, I am sure some already tried it: 

GRANADO ESPADA PAY TO WIN game, with new character made for people who buy Cash shp item via RNG boxes, and can upgrade their stuff easily and hav hold on economy by selling cash shop stuff at a high price.

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No it really didn't. The rates are so pathetic I only use the system when in absolute necessity, though I suppose everyone undermining each other does help to press the rate higher. The less I have to use coins per gold, the better.


My rates are far beyond that, and if one wants a scam free delivery of prems or gem hammers or whatever is NCoin only, they'll take the offer.

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With a currency exchange, people buy gold for real life money that goes to the company.

Without a currency exchange, people buy gold for real life money that goes to Chinese gold farmers with 40 bots running simultaneously, as well as to scammers.


This is the reality of MMOs. You cannot stop people buying gold for real life money no matter how many safeguards you put in. The only way you could avoid it is if you disable trading completely in a game.


So go ahead and see it as p2w. That's your prerogative. I see it as shifting money from seedy people to the company so they can actually improve the game.

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Pay 2 Win my *** , this game is  extremely free. Gold making is dead as **** easy. All these free players complaining because people are paying want to get stuff quicker? I don't see the issue with that. I can make 100 gold a week just off 2 characters by solely doing dailies. Literally this game is free AF. Most people are to lazy to do them that why they have such a hard time getting gear. Learn to work for your gear and stop complaining about people Paying 2 win. (Sorry for the horrible grammar L0L)  


EDIT: I understand that most people work and have lives and don't have enough time to play this game so they can't do all these dailies if they wanted to, but saying the game is Pay 2 Win is just utter rubbish and people being jealous IMO.

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obvious troll thread but just to clarify for others.


When you do currency exchange, it's real players who are getting the Hongmoon coins for selling their gold. Vice versa. It's real players who are selling their NCoins to buy gold from other players. Every game people will do "gift this item from cashshop in exchange for game currency" except this is much safer to use because you sell the sold and get Hongmoon coins to purchase your item with this implemented currency exchange.


Also no matter how geared you are, skills > gear. You may do a tiny bit more dps but you'll die same if you make mistakes. And finally it's just pay2progress faster which f2p eventually do catch up in just few weeks. Main PvP for BnS is the balanced 1v1 or 3v3s which gears, pots, food, etc doesn't matter.

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36 minutes ago, cr3ativ3 said:

What does Pay 2 Win mean ? In my opinion I really do think that people who have money to waste on games have a major uplift to the game. 

Nowadays you can buy with 8GBP around 12-15 Gold maybe even more. 


i would want to know what you guys think about this Pay To Win Model.


Please STOP making up your own definitions to suit your own issues,


P2W - You can buy items which gives you stat advantages that is NOT OBTAINABLE IN GAME, and only in cash shops.



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Bns isn't pay to win at all

making gold is easy in this game just by playing the game not using the gold system, i would rather work for my gear than buy gold with real money, whats the point of me having the best gear straight away, i will have nothing else to do, i have seen many people with full gear already and they are always complaining about being bored or whats next, they just take the fun away from themselves

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