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The bots have arrived ... into our 45 dungeons!


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Honestly. its really sloppy of NCsoft. i know its not easy but multipe Things could been done already to atleast halt and delay the people behind the bots.

sadly i dont believe they do care. if you take a wildstar its a clear example of they just write a game off after the intial Cash in.

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Actually most of the Korean mmo are designed to be bot tolerated, the devs in Asia already given up fighting the bots with ban hammer. Instead they make it harder for players by lowering the dungeon drops , increasing  the ingredients needed for crafting and lowering money drop from mobs. And it's already too late to reverse it back, think about all the bots are gone in one night, tomorrow everything's price in market will be triple or even more,  if the game dont have sufficient player base, the in game economy will just crash immediately. They told you they are banning bots, yes they are, but just some surface work. If one day NC decide to clear all of them, they have to redesign the game first, and we know thats very unlikely to happen 

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The downside unfortunately as others have mentioned is that NCSoft West are too focused on releasing content and paid content via the ingame store.


Personally and I'm sure a lot of the community would agree, that we would willing put content on hold to finally get something worth while put in place to combat the bot problem. The level restriction on chat, was just an utter joke. When I heard this, my first thought was "they'll level up with the bot to that cap and then spam". 


I'm just trying to understand the mindset of those within NCSoft West who think up these ideas because I'm sure a cold bowl of soup has better ideas.

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2 hours ago, Victorion said:

Just yesterday, I teamed up with a clanmate. We did all 4 dungeons in 2 man run.


Was great, we talking about how we could improve the run-times. How to work together and the best part of it all:

We got 4 moonwater tears each - and 2 recipes dropped. 1 Recipe from Brightstone and 1 from Skittles.


Wasn´t merry potters, but still a great feeling. Fast runs, lots of cash, no frustration.

How is this even relating to the topic? Good for you I guess. No need to brag. 

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Just now, Yuhuan said:

How is this even relating to the topic? Good for you I guess. No need to brag. 

I already answered that... 


2 hours ago, TopKEK said:

No it's right topic,


They are saying how much fun it was not having a bot with them when they did a run and how beneficial it was in comparison to having random matchups where people get grouped with bots that ruin runs, make auctions go stupid etc. 


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It's a system in Dragon Nest, i'm not sure what it's about but it 100% works for them. Each time a player buys gold from a bot they get banned right on the spot, it's always funny seeing them come to the forums lying about getting banned for no reason, but because of that it's no more bots on NA server.


Again, idk how they do it but hope nc can learn and do the same. Shoot, maybe go ask them for help.

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The problem is not BOTS is people buying from them and NCsoft is not BANNING THEM!!!!! Ncsoft need ban people which buy from BOTS and is pretty easy! Look, EAsports have bad reputation but at least they ban people in the games, they clean a lot people buying gold in fifa games.

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1 hour ago, DoowieEU said:

The downside unfortunately as others have mentioned is that NCSoft West are too focused on releasing content and paid content via the ingame store.


Personally and I'm sure a lot of the community would agree, that we would willing put content on hold to finally get something worth while put in place to combat the bot problem. The level restriction on chat, was just an utter joke. When I heard this, my first thought was "they'll level up with the bot to that cap and then spam". 


I'm just trying to understand the mindset of those within NCSoft West who think up these ideas because I'm sure a cold bowl of soup has better ideas.


I'm going to have to disagree with you on that. If they put content on hold to try and curb (notice I don't say solve because that's impossible) this bot problem, people would just start complaining about lack of content instead of bots.


You can never make this western audience happy. They will complain about whatever is the most pressing issue. And the reason they are trying to push content is so that the west can be on good standing when world championship comes around. Any idea how many people would be screaming their heads off if they can't have their precious PvP? Trust me, that is much more important than bots.

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3 minutes ago, Jayrune said:

And people were opposed to having a kick function in the cross server dungeon queue. 


From their AMA on reddit, they're finally getting this sorted out.


Downside is the bot in one of the dungeons I was in this morning was the party leader xD

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2 minutes ago, DoowieEU said:


From their AMA on reddit, they're finally getting this sorted out.


Downside is the bot in one of the dungeons I was in this morning was the party leader xD

lol, well, i hope it's a vote kick function that anyone can initiate then.

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4 hours ago, DoowieEU said:

Bots infect western MMOs because western gamers are lazy and would rather pay to get the gold, than obtain it themselves. So the bot problems in the games we play, is our own fault for inviting them for an easy pay day.

Comment of the month xD

U pc Bro?

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On 2/18/2016 at 9:43 PM, Cyradus said:

Yep. Im done with this game. Time to flip over to Black Desert. 


the only thing anyone needs to know about bots in "bots and nosoul" is this:



just quit the game dont waste your time anymore, bdo comes out in less than 10 days(officially announced 2 weeks ago on their site)


edit: but i will say it's not COMPLETELY ncwest's fault, the engine is unreal 3(easily botted), they will not and cannot implement any REAL hack detection like other RESPONSIBLE companies have: such as arenanet, battlenet, vac etc.etc., not to be racist but have you seen or heard of ANY asian made games with good anti bot/hacks?


if there was any hope left for this game, they need to move to steam and be steam only, but of course it's more likely for jesus to come back alive today than that ever happening.

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Arena, dungeons, auction house, blackwyrm and terrors, mining nodes. They're all infested with bots.


There are bots that will run quests for you 1-45. Bots that will let you afk in arena and keep queueing for zen beans while you're afk. Anyone with access to google can find this and much much more in SECONDS.


When is anything going to be done? It's all being kept hush hush but arena has new bots coming in every day. Now there are KFM bots, summoner bots, destroyer bots, all sorts of bots in arena, some getting to PLATINUM. YET THERE'S NO WAY TO REPORT THEM IN ARENA.


Hacker forums are going wild over this, there's no protection or ramifications at all at this point. What the hell?


Are you just going to ignore this and let it go on with your eyes and ears closed regarding the issue?


I keep hearing of ban waves, and purposefully delayed countermeasures, and this and that, and yet there are 1000s more bots coming in every day.


I don't like it.


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I would be happy with just the ability to Vote kick  people from the group.. With some kind of abuse prevention method related to being in combat, and that uses the virtual Keyboard for bot detection .. just something...

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temporary solution for dungeon bot, after you get into the party, tel the leader to press esc then exit, it will take whole party to lobby, then kick the destrobot from the party, all member ready then press enter dungeon. then you got 5 man party bot free, spread the word , let the bots party with fellow bots, let pc party with pc.

alternatively we can use register group in left top of lobby screen, and click the room number to join, less automatic way and more hassle but safer

it takes time but it your hardwork wont get leeched by those piece of S. spread the word

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