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need help


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hey there,
im playing bns almost 3 months and i have some wierd issue and i need your help to fix it.
i spoked with blade and soul support and did all the steps they told me and nothing changed, game keep been so laggy.
well, my problem is when i login to the game i can play few hours without any issue but when i enter a dungeon or start a combat the game start to be so bad, i mean screen freezed and i cant use any abilities but i can see what people are writing and i can chat by my self but i cant see what happens around me.
i have lags, delay, spikes and freeze screens and few freeze screens i get disconnected from the game.
any one know the issue and how to solve it ?

there is few pics that can show you my issue :




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When you get into areas like this alt tab out and pull up task manager and take a look at your available resources.   Had an issue like this with me and it was an outdated Killer Network driver that was causing a memory leak (16g of memory) that would take up 98% of my memory 

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I have bad lag/freezing issues with combat as well. Never figured it was a hardware problem, as my hardware is beyond good enough for this game. It would stutter badly, then end up freezing, which is usually a memory leak issue. I just can't pinpoint WHAT exactly is causing the memory leak.

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