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searing palm and 3RF question


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when i use 3rf i have to do it really slow, if i try to completly ani cancel the F kick so it doesnt even show the animation it doesnt deal the dmg , :S so i guess i gotta do it slower?, not spamming btw


im confused into where to spec my points on searing palm with the 3rf combo since i cant seem to get 3x 3rf after my 3rxf for some reason, do i need to spec to the right side of the skill tree or left side in searing palm, it says stun 2 sec after 8 hits with a special ability though .S

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3 hours ago, Dalapie said:

is there a reason why ppl dont use searing palm whenever it procs to get the 4 stacks? it hits like a truck


Because it takes for *cricket*ing every to set up to get all 4 hits. And if one of them gets resisted, the whole buff is ruined, and on CD, unless you're rocking Searing Strike. Now, I have gotten destroyed by this from a Fellow KFM who was fighting me (But I have not so reliable ping). It is possible, and I've tried it, but the animation for Searing Palm and Searing Strike are hella-long, and as far as I know, impossible to ani-cancel to get it out faster.

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left searing palm is really good bronze~1700 since people just tab any kind of stun... then if u land next stun they will die with rmb(stun) 3 x 3 z 3 x 3 v 3 x 3 x x


but its really bad if u meet someone that waitin for your palm comes out then tab and run since u lose around 9k damage for free or control that u would have with right searing palm tree


i only use left searing palm against summoners mostly to time out the game and have more damage done then smns

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