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PC crash when playing.


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So, i tried getting some help from the support team but it result with any resolve and need help. So my problem is: this game make my PC crash. The crash happen at any time when i'm playing, i can play 6-hour without a crash or can play 10min and crash. Sometime only the game crash but more often its my PC. When a crash happen, my game freeze and my 2screens turn black but my pc still open but i'm unable to do anything and have to manually restart my PC. 
I tried many option from the support team give me and they all not work: lower graphic, update all thing on my PC, running a full PC scan on Prompt command. uninstall everything useless on my PC maybe other i don't remember at the moment.

Im actually running the game only with McAfee and Windows process and the game still make my PC crash.
Im running on:  
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
Card name: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
RAM: 8.00 GB
2 Samsung screen
Logitech mouse and keyboard
If you need more information about my PC you can ask.

So, everything working well when the game was lunch on NA, not a single crash happen. My problem come with the mushin tower update from 10th february i think cause the first crash happen between 10 and 11 February.

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