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It's more like what BMs have been dreaming of. You can block frontal attacks, provide great DPS output, able to tank for some time with your resist buffs and pet, provide support for party in healing/resist/awakened skills, better self-healing, ranged DPS etc..


Goodbye summoners, Warlocks are our new MUST have class for party. Way better support.

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4 minutes ago, clangpicky said:

It's more like what BMs have been dreaming of. You can block frontal attacks, provide great DPS output, able to tank for some time with your resist buffs and pet, provide support for party in healing/resist/awakened skills, better self-healing, ranged DPS etc..


Goodbye summoners, Warlocks are our new MUST have class for party. Way better support.

I wonder if this is true for the EU/NA version, it's well known we are getting a nerfed version of the warlock, so it will have less potential  compared to the Asian warlock we have played on TW/JP servers. Still have to see what they will nerf, probably dps.

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1 minute ago, Remlnx said:

I wonder if this is true for the EU/NA version, it's well known we are getting a nerfed version of the warlock, so it will have less potential  compared to the Asian warlock we have played on TW/JP servers. Still have to see what they will nerf, probably dps.


The nerf didn't really change much for PvE part I heard, just on PvP side.

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Warlocks are not just "Better force masters" They are an entirely different class. FMs still output more damage, and can still spike higher than a warlock can, especially with the balance patch. But again, if you want to just call every caster with a pet better than every caster that doesn't have one, you're not really being fair. Nothing in a warlock's skillset makes them significantly better OR worse than a FM. Better sustainability, sure, but that's only if you NEED sustainability, FMs in particular are fantastic at zero damage kills. I can and do stay alive just as long as any other class. In fact, as I tend to end up pulling agro because of my damage output, I am often forced to be the target of the boss, but I don't feel any less capable of it than any other class, even tanks.


Play style, skill, and understanding your opponents will make you better or worse than the person next to you.

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Just now, clangpicky said:


The nerf didn't really change much for PvE part I heard, just on PvP side.


I doubt they can manage to "fix" the pvp leaving untouched the pve, if they lower the burst/dps it will affect both pve and pvp, unless they change some defensive mechanic, but the warlock is broken for the dps/burst so it's where they have to change something. (just think, a warlock lvl 10 can crit for over 2000 with double dragons, on EU/NA any other class must be over lvl 20 to get that amount)

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22 minutes ago, Remlnx said:


I doubt they can manage to "fix" the pvp leaving untouched the pve, if they lower the burst/dps it will affect both pve and pvp, unless they change some defensive mechanic, but the warlock is broken for the dps/burst so it's where they have to change something. (just think, a warlock lvl 10 can crit for over 2000 with double dragons, on EU/NA any other class must be over lvl 20 to get that amount)

They didnt lower the burst, they lowered all the self healing. Class is very squishy as a result, still wreks face if you can stay alive.

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For those who have played Warlock, this might be an insight: http://www.bladeandsouldojo.com/topic/135576-december-2015-kr-patch-notes-still-want-to-play/

For those who didnt play Warlock, just frikken wait for the class release and stop making false assumptions. Sure you can go ahead and look at the skilltrees, but that doesnt give you an actual clue how to class itself is to be played.

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9 hours ago, dragoaskani said:

They didnt lower the burst, they lowered all the self healing. Class is very squishy as a result, still wreks face if you can stay alive.


I am sorry to disagree, but the damage reduction on some of the skills did indeed lower the burst as compared to before and the main dps skill is the twin dragons.

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15 hours ago, Rhokdelar180 said:


I am sorry to disagree, but the damage reduction on some of the skills did indeed lower the burst as compared to before and the main dps skill is the twin dragons.

Well I was just looking at the korean leaderboards at http://bns.plaync.com/bs/leaderboard/duel

There are currently 7 warlocks in top 50, 12 in top 100, and 64 in top 500. This is post nerf, so I think we will be just fine.


Warlock = 주술사 if you didnt know.

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