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Random DC's and lagg


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So my game has been randomly disconnecting me for a while now, atleast 2-3 times a day. But right now it disconnects me whenever I enter a new area on the map and it's giving me this huge delay of atleast 3 seconds. My internet however is perfectly fine, done several tests online, always below 20ms. Every page I open on the internet loads instantly and so does every video on youtube/netflix. My friend on Skype can also hear me perfectly fine without any lagg or anything. 


Anyone who's got a clue why the game is making me lagg so hard all of a sudden and disconnecting me for no reason?

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I deleted BNS folder from my documents, and i delete the ncwest folder from programfiles and it seems to reduce 90% of the lagg. Let me know how this worked out for you guys.


I did repair the game after i deleted those files.

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My lagg is gone but my game still randomly disconnects me for NO REASON. Today it happened for the second time that the game disconnects me at the last boss of Bloodshade Harbor when he's low. This company isn't responding with any help either on not a single platform. Worthless bullshit -,-

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The game crashed earlier today for no reason and ever since then I have been DC'ing constantly if I try and enter a new area or leave a dungeon.. hell I have a loading screen that last 2-3 minutes just switching channels. I don't know what NC is doing but I have never seen a new game experience issues this bad. Hell I don't remember Aion crashing more then once after launch. 

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