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Your Alter Ego Playing BnS


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Hello everyone! Your Alter Ego here playing Blade and Soul

I have enjoyed playing this game and decided to make a few videos. 

If anyone has any tips, tricks, or suggestions on how to record, edit videos, sound, or anything else, in a better way, please feel free to let me know!

Skyhaven Stockade

Pilfered Treasury



Croak King's Court




Augerite Cavern




Teetering Falls


Naryu Temple

The Ploghollows

Sentinel Ruins


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  • 2 weeks later...
59 minutes ago, StanicEnemy said:

Soloing low dungeons must be hard

Why do you have to be mean at the work of someone? yes those are easy ones but, he its showing off how to fight them alone with his style, is not about ''i am the best, look at me'', this is about a regular playing, making videos because he like to do it so he would like some feed back for them, be nice! and the world will be nice to you as a reward! (no i am not a God beliver person, i just do it because i think is the right thing to do)


And i think is a really good guide video, he even explain the location and rewards, those are little things that many popular youtubers dont do and are useful for some players that want more information, the only thing i would add is one explanation for each Boss skill, like, Pause the video, explain, or add subtitles, and then play the video again, you did it a bit with the last boss but you didnt said anything with the first one, also say something nice at the end to say bye and stuff to make the watchers feel more attached to your personality =), thats it, nice videos! Good Luck! (i watched the Augerite Cavern one, didnt had time to watch the others because i am at work)

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8 hours ago, BattleKat said:

And i think is a really good guide video, he even explain the location and rewards, those are little things that many popular youtubers dont do and are useful for some players that want more information, the only thing i would add is one explanation for each Boss skill, like, Pause the video, explain, or add subtitles, and then play the video again, you did it a bit with the last boss but you didnt said anything with the first one, also say something nice at the end to say bye and stuff to make the watchers feel more attached to your personality =), thats it, nice videos! Good Luck! (i watched the Augerite Cavern one, didnt had time to watch the others because i am at work)

Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it!
As well as the feedback, I'll take it into consideration =)

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6 hours ago, Cenary said:

where did u got that outfit from ? nice videos btw

The outfit in the earlier videos is the Stinger costume, which can be acquired in the Scorching Sands from the Wheel of Fate (from the essence drops off of Pinchy, the maps boss, level 36). 

The outfit in the latest videos is the Wolfskin costume/tail, which can be acquired in Lycandi Foothills from the Wheel of Fate (from the essence drops off of Lycan, the map boss, level 38). 

This website has good explanation, pictures, and location of the costumes, weapons, and other drops:

Thank you!

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