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who is the best way to make gold ?


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The inner troll in me wants to say... Go kill mobs, quest and kill more. Sure there is crafting but farming monkeys seems to be the best way to make real income without using the AH. Which judging by this thread you want to do it the lazy way.

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Apparently the lvl 45 dailies are a good way to make money in the Blackram/Nightshade places, but be sure to have a group if underlevelled or undergeared. Those mobs hit like freaking trucks, especially when you are killing one and a couple more decide to join in the party. Otherwise credit card, buy NCoins and sell on the currency exchange. farming for the most part is a waste of time with the sheer amount of bots spamming the marketplace with stacks of 100 rings/weapons/crafting mats. Also run dungeons with rare outfit drops, the bidding can get quite high on those. I am not the best person to ask of course being quite new but I am gradually finding my way and getting my stuff upgraded at a lazy pace.

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PvP, grind beans, buy a pouch (2000 beans), resell the soulstones (30-gold / 40-platinum / 50-diamond)

If you're gold, you get 160 beans/win 50 beans/loss (assuming 50% winrate, that's 105 bean/match)

20 matchs = 1 pouch = 30 soulstones (more if you are good at pvp) = 10g50s (if you resell at 35s/u)

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PvP seems to be the best method for me, I'm platinum and my gear is awk pirate wep/awk siren accesoiries from the pouches, getting skill books from 4 man BSH with a clan and selling the books/sharing profit works well too if you can do it well.

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