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Summoner Taunt Bug won't be fixed?


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Well, as my topic say, i read the  Scheduled Maintenance – 2/17/2016 and there is no mentions about fix of this bug:  

1. Pet taunt does not work as intended (12 sec of cd and 3 sec of taunt not 8 as the skill's description says)
2. Doom n Bloom not healing as much as it should (the 100% of dmg returned as heal not working as intended and noted)

I am tired to read about people that cry because they think that summoner is an op class in pvp and pve! Well it is not!!! These people need only learn to play, every class is balanced, there is the block block block class, spin spin spin class, freez and heal class, perma invi and stun class so MATES just learn to play everyone their class and stop to cry! Summoner is a class with pet assist if u want one do it! I wanted assist with pet that can tank and now with this stupid bug summoner is unable to do his "job" in istances! These and other bugs are on since the new patch and  NCsoft priority is put down servers for 3 hours for 1 skin in the shop (ofc business rulz) and don't resolve the important issues of game. People could drop game for this. Greetings.

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First of all, this is the regular maintenance they do every week.


Second,it takes time to fix the bugs. NCsoft is only publishing the game,not the developer fixing them. You of course would fix those bugs and leave every other bug unfixed in mere days,right?


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6 minutes ago, 899241_1452550646 said:

Well, as my topic say, i read the  Scheduled Maintenance – 2/17/2016 and there is no mentions about fix of this bug:  

1. Pet taunt does not work as intended (10 sec of cd and 3 sec of taunt not 8 as the skill's description says)


I'm a Summoner too on Jiwan Server, and to be honest with you my pet Taunts for 8 seconds correctly and have 12 Sec cooldown, so it have 4 sec where i've to manage the aggro on me, don't know why your pet skill don't work correctly.

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Problem is that with previous patch they removed the lingering effect of taunt and it works only in immediate vicinity of the pet.... meaning if the mob/boss does some attack which gets him away from your cat he instantly gets out of your taunt, which is stupid and that's caused by removal of the lingering effect of taunt.

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10 minutes ago, ThommiX said:

Second,it takes time to fix the bugs. NCsoft is only publishing the game,not the developer fixing them. You of course would fix those bugs and leave every other bug unfixed in mere days,right?



Team Bloodlust (NCsoft Developer Division)

Kinda, but really no, they are publisher/developer. 


My taunt looses aggro in middle of it, really, 2-3 seconds ok, and then boss decides that he had enough of cat and wants to attack me. I think, that it should hold, for those 8 seconds, but nope. 

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1 minute ago, Unsere said:



Team Bloodlust (NCsoft Developer Division)

Kinda, but really no, they are publisher/developer. 

Ah i stand corrected on that one then :) thought its the common contract where the original makers do the work.


Anyway,doesn't change anything as these aren't only bugs for them to fix and there's no point being impatient because there's no fix this weekly maintenance.

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First of all ... this "taunt bug" is not a bug.

with the patch the mechanics of the pet taunt got changed, your pet will taunt as long as it is curled. but if you use bet abilitys ( tab / C / V ) your pet will no longer taunt the mob and lose the aggro ( most likely cause you will have build up more threat.


2. Doom and bloom .... read the patchnotes it got nerfed...



btw im not having any problems witht he chagned taunt ... 2 man BSH  farming is atm what im running the most .. and my pet hast the aggro always the full taunt duration expet when i use tab to pin a boss



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  • Hongmoon Skill
    • Summoners now have access to Rumblebees (RMB) and Super Sunflower (RMB) Tier 5.
  • Rosethorn (LMB)
    • Increased base damage.
    • Rosethorn (Tier 1 Stage 1) now grants Increased Ranged Attack Speed.
    • Rosethorn (Tier 2 Stage 1) now grants Increased Consecutive Cast Speed.
    • Rosethorn (Tier 3 Stage 1) now pierces Parry.
    • Rosethorn (Tier 4 Stage 1) now restores 1 additional Focus upon landing a successful critical hit.
    • Rosethorn (Tier 2) has been moved to Rosethorn (Tier 3).
  • Rumblebees (RMB)
    • Rumblebees (Stage 1) now deals reduced damage.
    • Rumblebees (Tier 2 Stage 2) can now be casted while moving and Stealthed.
    • Rumblebees (Tier 3 Stage 1) now deals additional damage upon landing a successful critical hit instead of dealing additional damage when instant cast.
    • Rumblebees (Tier 5 Stage 1) can now be instantly cast on targets inflicted with Stun, Daze, and Phantom Grip in addition to Knock Down, Airborne, and Pin.
    • Rumblebees (Tier 5 Stage 2) no longer slows enemies.
    • Rumblebees (Tier 5 Stage 2) can now be instantly cast on targets inflicted with Stun, Daze, and Knock Down in addition to Grapple and Airborne.
    • Rumblebees (Tier 5 Stage 2) can now be cast instantly while moving.
  • Farewell (F)
    • Farewell (F) now has a cooldown of 10 minutes.
    • Party members resurrected by Farewell are immune to for up to 5 damage and status effects for 5 seconds.
    • Farewell now resurrects party members with 100% HP, up from 50%.
    • Party members resurrected by Farewell cannot be resurrected by Helping Paw (LMB) for 10 minutes.
  • Flying Nettles (F)
    • Flying Nettles (Tier 2 Stage 2) now cancels Defensive skills on enemies within range.
    • Flying Nettles (Tier 3 Stage 2) now resets the cooldown of Rumblebees (RMB) and disables enemy charging skills for 6 seconds.
  • Thorn Strike (2)
    • The cooldown for the base skill and Tier 1 Stage is now 18 seconds, up from 9 seconds.
  • Clawnado (C)
    • Now inflicts additional damage on enemies affected by Flying Nettles and Briar Patch.
  • Uppercut (V)
    • Uppercut now has a cooldown of 18 seconds.
  • Bombs Away (V)
    • Now inflicts additional damage on enemies affected by Flying Nettles and Briar Patch.
  • Huzzah! (Z)
    • Huzzah! (Base Skill and Tier 1 Stage 1) HP recovery increased to 30%, up from 20%.
    • Huzzah! (Tier 2 Stage 1) HP recovery increased to 60%, up from 40%.
  • Lunge (Tab)
    • Your familiar will now approach the enemy faster when using Lunge.

so please tell me where does it state changes to either doom or taunt(on another note nettles is broken as well as second wind never actually working)

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Hongmoon Skill
Summoners now have access to Rumblebees (RMB) and Super Sunflower (RMB) Tier 5.
Rosethorn (LMB)
Increased base damage.
Rosethorn (Tier 1 Stage 1) now grants Increased Ranged Attack Speed.
Rosethorn (Tier 2 Stage 1) now grants Increased Consecutive Cast Speed.
Rosethorn (Tier 3 Stage 1) now pierces Parry.
Rosethorn (Tier 4 Stage 1) now restores 1 additional Focus upon landing a successful critical hit.
Rosethorn (Tier 2) has been moved to Rosethorn (Tier 3).
Rumblebees (RMB)
Rumblebees (Stage 1) now deals reduced damage.
Rumblebees (Tier 2 Stage 2) can now be casted while moving and Stealthed.
Rumblebees (Tier 3 Stage 1) now deals additional damage upon landing a successful critical hit instead of dealing additional damage when instant cast.
Rumblebees (Tier 5 Stage 1) can now be instantly cast on targets inflicted with Stun, Daze, and Phantom Grip in addition to Knock Down, Airborne, and Pin.
Rumblebees (Tier 5 Stage 2) no longer slows enemies.
Rumblebees (Tier 5 Stage 2) can now be instantly cast on targets inflicted with Stun, Daze, and Knock Down in addition to Grapple and Airborne.
Rumblebees (Tier 5 Stage 2) can now be cast instantly while moving.
Farewell (F)
Farewell (F) now has a cooldown of 10 minutes.
Party members resurrected by Farewell are immune to for up to 5 damage and status effects for 5 seconds.
Farewell now resurrects party members with 100% HP, up from 50%.
Party members resurrected by Farewell cannot be resurrected by Helping Paw (LMB) for 10 minutes.
Flying Nettles (F)
Flying Nettles (Tier 2 Stage 2) now cancels Defensive skills on enemies within range.
Flying Nettles (Tier 3 Stage 2) now resets the cooldown of Rumblebees (RMB) and disables enemy charging skills for 6 seconds.
Thorn Strike (2)
The cooldown for the base skill and Tier 1 Stage is now 18 seconds, up from 9 seconds.
Clawnado (C)
Now inflicts additional damage on enemies affected by Flying Nettles and Briar Patch.
Uppercut (V)
Uppercut now has a cooldown of 18 seconds.
Bombs Away (V)
Now inflicts additional damage on enemies affected by Flying Nettles and Briar Patch.
Huzzah! (Z)
Huzzah! (Base Skill and Tier 1 Stage 1) HP recovery increased to 30%, up from 20%.
Huzzah! (Tier 2 Stage 1) HP recovery increased to 60%, up from 40%.
Lunge (Tab)
Your familiar will now approach the enemy faster when using Lunge.
so please tell me where does it state changes to either doom or taunt(on another note nettles is broken as well as second wind never actually working)

Ye! Exactly!

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but if those 2 thing are bothering oyu ... you probably should stop playing sum before the lvl 50 patch ... you wont be happy then ...

I love my summoner why i should drop it 'cause of an incompetent people?


check the new taunt range...

With Lunge pet go under mobs/bosses ass!So who care about 4m of range! Before of this new patch it worked perfect.

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I thought it had been established that this is not a bug but an intentional change that was made across all regions and that simply wasn't mentioned in our patch notes? I could be wrong of course, but iirc they merely removed the lingering effect of the skill and nothing else.


Taunt basically still lasts the full 8 seconds, but the moment a boss performs a move that causes it to leave the circle, it'll switch targets and attack whoever is dealing the most damage at the time, making it seem as though it suddenly stopped working.

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