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Best solution for Balance !


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Moba like Draw pick with class bans.

Beacuse there are so many Broken classes, why players cannot make a ban list.

Just put them on your ban list (for example Scummoner and Blade Cancer) and you never play against those classes.

I think this would be the best for balance !

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2 minutes ago, Somisan said:

Moba like Draw pick with class bans.

Beacuse there are so many Broken classes, why players cannot make a ban list.

Just put them on your ban list (for example Scummoner and Blade Cancer) and you never play against those classes.

I think this would be the best for balance !

Good idea, but then summoners wont be able to play arena anymore lol. Thats the problem.

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This is such a great idea LOL we can all face BM/FMs all day until 50 patch, yay. As a BD, i'd just choose to beyblade destroyers all day. This is such a silly idea, you might as well just tell us you want them to delete summoners and blade cancers, this isn't about balance you're just tired of the getting dunked on by tiny cat people. This isn't a game where you choose your character, you have the character(s) you have and thats it, the moba style of banning only works because you choose your character  at the start of the match, and build it from the ground up. Nobody would find any fights, cause nobodies going to choose to fight a class they cant walk all over, mechanically with their eyes closed.

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