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Cant kick from party....


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So as a game that is on the internet you can expect spam, leechers, and trolls. Today before work I tried to tackle the blood shed harbor dungeon and to my surprise everything was going more or less okay, we would accidentally grab an extra group of mobs that wernt needed, but the bosses went fast. We cleared to just before the fire room before the final boss, and this is when things took a turn for the worse. A player had been using excessive language whenever we attracted extra mobs now decided to charge the room killing everyone in the kill field in the doorway except him and another. we then reset and kill and continue. Then he starts the last boss early killing a few and another person, who happens to be the party lead, decides that his weapon is broken and needs to walk all the way out of the dungeon to fix it. The troll then suggests that we 5 man it as the lead has already used escape and has started walking back, but two of the pt members haven't dropped down and were not moving or saying anything. so we waited. and waited. and finally the pt lead got back from repairing and they started the fight without asking if anyone was ready. The troll only threw shuriken, I took agro from the boss and his clone, and we kept surviving his enrage till he had the tiniest bit of hp and he used his final rage to wipe us. Many words were exchanged. I told the party that not only had the guy trolled me, but they had as well by not agreeing to fight 5 man. I told them that I had to leave for work and that I was blocking them all before leaving the party.


This is a fun game, and this experience doesn't happen often, but the amount of leechers and is growing as well. I am sad to say that if the game doesn't get a kick feature that actually does anything soon than there wont be any real players left.

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