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Pvp as we can obviously see is extremly unbalanced and spammers can easily get away with the win. The next patch needs to include changes to skills when in arena otherwise its not even skill its jst run away and spam that skill. Certain skills need extensions in the CD and some reduction in DMG or resistance for example for destroyers their spin atk resist to much debuffs and still goes through cant even block it. There are a huge amount more of other skills though that just need to change completly during PVP arena

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Actually, trying to spam is what is probably killing most FMs.  Just last night I fought a Destro who literally just spammed spin as we circle strafed each other, and I ruined him two rounds in a row.


I personally like how those spammable abilities make you stop and think about what you're doing.  Maybe it's because I play the class that is forced to stop and think while other classes feel they can get away with spamming, but I'm very appreciative of how melee classes can spam block/counter/spins/etc.  

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It does cause many of the skills cant be stopped even if debuffed most people in NA servers use cheap tactics with a few skills to spam to win even if ur pro u cant stop cause u have a CD to wait on while they just do there thing and run away or use an unstoppable skill. 

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