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why is pigsty more trap than anything else


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sure theres the occasion lvl 37 or some shit in skittering, or lvl 20s leeching in tomb, but pigsty, more than ANY other dungeon in the game, has the highest trap chance out there, it usually takes at least 5 tries a day to finish it, including but certainly not limited to: 3 or more low lvls with like 8k hp(just saw a 44 earlier with 8k, amazing), the usual afk leeches, masterlooters, standing in poisons, full wipes @ gororo, insisting to fight mobs 1by1, etc. etc.


i'm just asking, why pigsty though, far more than anything else.

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Skittering can have the lowest level players in them out of all of them. My alt KFM was able to enter Skittering at level 24 in the Cross Server Dungeon finder, the other ones were locked but Skittering wasn't for some reason. 


The main issue that causes the issues in Pigsty is that there are still a lot of  people that don't know about the whole tank him away from the grabby grabby plants and just charge in. 

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You are doing it wrong. I think I have only had to redo these dungeons like 2 or 3 times total. I mean honestly... with proper mechanics you can solo most of the bosses (actually the ranged adds are usually the only thing that prevent me from doing that). Just yesterday I did one of them with a level 40 guy, I think it was Dokuma (the spider). Yes he was dead in pretty much every boss fight (next to a lvl45 guy, who obviously failed even harder than the lvl40 guy), but he at least tried to participate and I didn't see any issues in killing the boss with just 4 man and me as FM having aggro of the bosses like 50% of the time...


Bottom line: YOU are the reason for the dungeons to fail. :P

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 Pigsty is it's own animal- after the mob train and 1st boss it's easy, but get with a group that is not on the same page or aware of the 1st boss mechanics it gets to be a pain.  1st boss actually has some mechanics that can possibly wipe an under-geared/under-leveled/unknowledgeable group (poison pools, grabby plants, healing boss plants, ranged adds), more so than 1st bosses in the other blue dungeons.  

 The important thing as an decently geared experienced level 45 is to take lead right away so the other players will hopefully copy your lead.  I know it's annoying when you ask at beginning if anyone is new and no one replies, or when you try to check if people are ready and no one acknowledges, but that's the pug life. 

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I never had to change my Pigsty group even once for my dailies.

And I haven't encountered any master looter *cricket*, ever.


Then again, I do take my time to talk to newbies about the first boss when they need it.

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