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Game down?


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Kept getting booted from the char select and char creator and now it won't let me start the launcher. Is the game down? I don't see anything about a maint anywhere and wouldnt have gotten the notification if it was in game since I was making a character (which is now lost, yay....)

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1 minute ago, SirNox said:

I tried that, didn't work. Also rebooted, didn't work. I can log in to the website now though. 


Also, here is the error I get when I try to start the launcher:


Oh shit, yeah same

it kicked me in the middle of my poh 4 run and now i cant get back in

what timezone you in?

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12 minutes ago, SirNox said:

Looks like we have the some problem, Chii. I was beginning to think I was just having internet issues on my end, but it seems like it's not just me. I wonder why some are not affected.



I thought maybe something came loose when we had a earthquake early here but...doesnt seem like it.

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