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Alternative KFM rotations other than 3-R-F


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There's been a lot of posts on the high dps 3-R-F rotation of KFM, but there are 2 other high dps rotations that can be considered during game play and become more feasible when using the TAB (Fighting Spirit / 擊地散發) which significantly boosts crit rate by 40% for 10 sec or with a higher innate crit rate.



To pull off 2-R-F in a consecutive manner without stalling from failure of F to proc off 2, you need a fairly high crit rate i.e to be able to pull off 2RF 2RF 2RF 2RF without stopping to do 2--R in between. 



This becomes possible once you unlock the final tier of straight jab and also requires a high crit rate to pull off successfully. This rotation is extremely extremely ping sensitive and stalls easily if ping is not sufficiently low, lost packets, lag / ping spikes etc




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The reason you do not see these discussed so often is because in arena crit is a set (and low) value. Yes, it rises with fighting spirit, but here's reason two:


No opponent will stand around while you do your raid boss anicancel routine on them. You need to stunlock them first. And if you do that, then, well, you can just as well use 3RF for more damage and searing palm cooldown reduction. R-2-F has it's place for knocked down enemies, but it's not as much of a staple as 3RF...

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the default keybinds have "r" as an alternative for the left mouse button. So though many people press the mouse and not the keys for the rotation, it's easier and less confusing to write "3RF" than "3LMBF" or "3-LMB-F". ;)


The standard goal is one 3RF per second (so 3 in a V stun, 2 in others), but I have seen people claim they can do more...

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If you trully like 3RF here's how you can stunlock someone:


1 ( Counter with stun ) > 3RF > 3RF > Z ( With Stun ) > 3RF > 3RF > V > 3RF > 3RF ( here's the tricky part, it can stun from 2 to 3 seconds, not always 3, so i usually do 2x 3RF then RMB to make the target airborne. ) R> Tab > 4 ( armbar to block escape ) > Double tap S > F ( Smite to make airborne again ) > R > R > Q or E > 3 ( leg sweep ) > 2 > 4 ( Assuming you have tiger/hellfire kick combo ) > C > Double tap S > R ( To knock down ) X > X.

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how often does it work for you?


Will try out the armbar > SS > F, I usually prefer RMB>R>SS>TAB(flying slam)>R>R, but then most people I play against don't know how to proper counter during grapple


I also prefer to put searing palm into the beginning, to have less risk if I mess something up...

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