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[BUG] Mushin's Tower Boss Resets on Force Master


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So I've noticed that as a Force Master in Mushin's Tower (and elsewhere for that matter), that if you freeze and stunlock a boss such as Bomani or Junghado consistently to the point where they can't attack you after 10-15 seconds, they will bug out and reset their position and health bar entirely mid-fight.  This is incredibly annoying and frustrating as the whole basis of playing Force Master is to kite and CC so you aren't attacked/killed.  Especially on Junghado, where this tactic MUST be used in order to kill him before he kills you.  If you do your job perfectly, the boss just resets and forces you to start over.   Note that this happens without the boss being pushed out the door, or the player moving out of the door, which would normally and rightfully cause a reset.  


Please look into this and remedy it, so that Force Masters aren't required to mess up combos and take damage in order to prevent a reset.  :/

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There are many posts for the matter already yet they dont care. Its been 3 months or more now and the problem is still there. This isnt happening only in Mushin thats a bug that happens on every mob in the game if u playing a Force Master im pretty sure u have noticed. Today i was killing Wardens at the Soulstone plains and had 3 resets on the same mob eventually he killed me and thats why im here in the forums.

Is as old as the pull back when u jump bug, good luck on seeing it fixed.


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Its not force masters only. warlock too. Any class that has a binding ability makes enemies reset. i have forwarded this to the GM but they said i need to report this on forums. Until they notice this long range spell casters are *cricket*ed. All enemies from new content since mushins tower have this problem. This happens to melee enemies only. Ranged enemies have no problem.

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