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(Noob) How do I put new abilities on my hotbar?


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Once you reach (I think) level 17 you can put your skill points into your skills. Press K (by default) to open the skill tab and at the top left-ish there is a box you can check for Trainable Skills Only, check that box and you will see all the skills you can put points into. Hope this helps.


Edit: You don't actually put new skills on your bar, but you can drastically change what some skills do via skill points.

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Yesterday - Chapter 17 ..? okayyy...


You can drag and drop items into 5, 6, 7 and 8

The skills are automatically put in the hotbar and activate upon prerequisite. You can designate the keys in options.


Unlike other MMOs, you don't arrange your skills yourself. Feels a bit weird at first, but you get used to it.

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