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Happy Valentine's Day!


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Heya everyone! tumblr_lslg460FwE1qgp134.png


I wish everyone a happy and fun Valentine's Day regardless of how you spend the day. Whether be it with your loved ones, family, friends, games or even trying to ruin other couples dates by faking being one of their lovers tumblr_lslg748c0l1qgp134.gif jk~


But tbh. I would like to try that for once. Walking up to a couple and go like "How could you do this to me..?! You heartless piece of cake! /cry /slap and leave and watch them from afar"

No-no-no-no-no. There's no way I'd ever do something like this though. It might end bad.


And also for the guys who receive chocolate today: Don't forget the return gift on 14th March(White Day)!  




Anyways, enjoy your day!

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